Just bought a 3090 for 750€

Attached: download (17).jpg (299x169, 11.62K)

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just sold my old 3090 for 750€ kek

enjoy a burned out GPU incapable of playing minesweeper

Attached: Co2-levels-800k.jpg (768x480, 258.44K)

If the card was cooled well, it doesn't matter if u mined with it retard


Newer cards have no problem with cooling its not 2005 anymore. Get fucked, i can smell your envy pajeet.

shouldn't cost more than $450 new

Gpus are pricier in the eu

That's a good price.

I just got one for $500 on reddit lol. looks like everyone is dumping their gpus.


Attached: 49352083456.jpg (420x316, 36.33K)

>looks like everyone is dumping their gpus
kek why would they?

Attached: 573567357356743567.jpg (1200x750, 188.46K)

>bought 3060 for $390
>proceed to lose 10k in lunc

I'm guessing it's because the 40xx series are about to come out combined with the fact eth is pos now. The price of gpus have been dumping too and they want their breakeven money back.

Why? This is wrong. For older cards, the worst case is the need to change the thermal paste. 5 minute job, costs maybe $5.

why would you use an old card when the new generation does the same with only 50% energy consumption?

You paid too much. Prices are going to fall even more as all those GPUs used for ethereum flood the market.
Did you forget that NVIDIA has had record sales over the past few years? It all went to mining.

Imagine believing this bullshit
Who measured it 50000 years ago?
Oh thats it no one measured it it was an estimate made by pulling a cube of ice from a glacier and then from the sciencetisticians ass

750€ is already way below standard price for a 3090 in the EU.
The new generation price/performance will be terrible until Nvidia has sold all their old stock and reduces price some time in 2023.

>750€ is already way below standard price for a 3090 in the EU.
Look at hash rate before the merge. Those gpus were mining right up till the very end. They have not even begun to flood the market in large quantity.

can you run a server with

>The new generation price/performance will be terrible until Nvidia has sold all their old stock and reduces price some time in 2023.
why would they want to loose market share to amd and intel?

If the card is undervolted, which is what an actual experienced miner should do for more gains, it's fine.

is this a founders edition?

evaluation edition ;)