Satoshi has spoken. All you mETHeads better sell while you still can. Right now

Satoshi has spoken. All you mETHeads better sell while you still can. Right now.

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>Why can't weeee be frens?!

Maxis are so cringe, still stuck in 2008 while the world keeps moving. Technological boomers.

Wasted get on a retard twitter nobody

no cryptofaggot understands money: gold is not valuable because it is hard to extract, it's valuable because it's USEFUL and is money because it's USEFUL and FUNGIBLE, the same way that salt was money in Roman times: not because it was hugely valuable, but because it had SOME value from its USEFULNESS and was FUNGIBLE by virtue of being salt (identical to other salt and easily dividable)

>retard twitter nobody
Newfaggot cancerous cunt lurk moar!

That is goddamn retarded. You can actually look up the definition of money, and you can find several, but not one has "proof of work" in it.

Lol maxis copied the trump laser eye meme. Faggots can’t meme

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Gold has to mined out of the earth. That’s the work you utter retard

Retards will never understand. Proof for gold is the fucking fact that you have it.

You can physically touch gold, you can use gold in circuitry, in jewelry. You can't do the same with numbers.

That's not creg

What he doesn't grasp is that the REAL currency of the future requires Proof of USEFUL Work. Duh.

And this

Adam Back is a criminal and a faggot

You can work for gold, or you can steal it or find it on the ground. It is used for money in some places, but money isn't always gold.

Im a bitcoin maximalist but i understand that a solid 95% of people in crypto dont give a fuck about any of this shit. We're just gona have to wait until people learn their lesson with PoS, it could take another decade

Ethereum just ruined its entire ecosystem because the liberals cried hard enough. It will NEVER recover.

So pretty much you’re saying to buy icp since it’s digital oil

Your trying to explain financial basics to idiots who think numbers on a screen hold tangible value. They’re more concerned about getting virtually wealthy so they can share screenshots of their bags on social media. Also the same crowd who believes NFT’s are swell. We’re literally watching the boomer cycle repeat. Zoomers are literally boomers. Just more stupid than selfish.

read the whitepaper monkey

Gold isn't hard money because it isn't monetized anymore. It's an industrial good.

You’re retarded; Native Americans in the canyon lands used sea shells as currency. Why? Because they were impossible to counterfeit, scarce (had to be transported from the ocean thousands of miles away) and easy to transport. Bitcoin is valuable because it’s scarce (has to be mined), impossible to counterfeit and easy to transfer (peer to peer).

Romans used gold idiot. They all did. The ones that didn't had their country/empire eviscerated by inflation due to the ease of the ability to rampantly increase the money supply like we are seeing now or by foreigners who easily produced/purchased their money (like the fucking Africans using glass beads) as it didn't have value anywhere else. Gold rose to this spot because it was hard as fuck to mine and refine into coinage. This is why you don't see copper, iron or tin, things that are many times more useful than gold in production, used as money.