[Japan Game Awards 2022] "Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl" won the Global Award in the Japanese work category

[Japan Game Awards 2022] "Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl" won the Global Award in the Japanese work category

Umm? Arceus bros??? Gamefreak bros?????

Attached: Fcrdh_faMAAaxno.jpg (1280x720, 92.28K)

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Imagine rating the games of the year with three months left to go

You have no clue of what you are talking about

Not based on quality

Its basically just the original dp but ugly so no surprise they consider it a better game

They probably gave it an award because of how incredible of a fuck up it was

Attached: 1614383680331.png (3512x1152, 3.7M)

PLA won an Excellence Award
BDSP won Global Japanase Award Product and Best Sales Award

Make of them whatever they mean

These are possibly the worst games in the entirety of the history of videogames, these pieces of kike trash incarnate all that's possibly wrong with videogames.

Cashgrabbing, greed, reselling the same 16 years old game for the 4th time as something new, poketardismo, utter consumerism, all those money went to ukikerinians to kill Russian/Ukrainian children and the subhumans that rape children, abuse them sexually and force them hrt/hormone blockers in the west.

Giratina wouldn't have allowed this.

If BDSP was really helping Ukrainians kill ruSSkis kacaps I'd have bought them 3 times. Unfortunately, for now that is only wishful thinking.

>all those money went to ukikerinians to kill Russian
I fucking wish.

>those shit remakes might help save Stalker 2
wtf i love BDSPiss now

read retarded ameritranny, the kike war isnt real and certainly isn't killing Puttanakike and Zekikesky, only 'innocent' citizens.
most of them are slavic kikes, and if they're fighting that war means that they do deserve to die. But next will be you, amerishits. You're the next to die due to kike wars, like your cucked grandfathers before you. Unless you're a negro, then you're a protected species (again, until Aryans re-take over niggerica. you're doomed either way as a kike or as a negro)

Cope, schizo, r*sskies fucked around and found out, you will never be white

>all those money went to ukikerinians to kill Russian children
if only…

>again, until Aryans re-take over niggerica
You mean Persian-Iranis of course, not the muttoid caucasians right?

>PLA won an Excellence Award
>BDSP won Global Japanase Award Product and Best Sales Award
Sinnoh baby

>These are possibly the worst games in the entirety of the history of videogames
enough about SWSH lol

Based and Sinnoh pilled. Gen 4 is best gen and if you disagree you're a faggot.

>These are possibly the worst games in the entirety of the history of videogames,
ahahahahah imagine you actually believe this ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa

Aren't those rewards just for sales?

Japanese Twitter is losing their absolute shit right now

What will Masuda say?

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