How do you morally justify income taxes?

How do you morally justify income taxes?

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they don't have to morally justify it, they use violence.

the government needs more money, cough it up jack.

you are a j*w.


You work and live in the world the government created. The government gets and deserves a cut.
You think a factory worker should keep all of the value he produces? The factory owner hires guards and keeps everyone safe. He worries about management of the factories. He deserves a cut.
There is no in-between. Taxes are justified or you are a communist, simple as.

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Doesn't have to be morally justifiable. Do it or get your shit pushed in. I really hope we see the day successful DAO's like bitDAO actually overthrow government. would be wild user.


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To help support the war effort against Germany, duh.
...We're still in 1942, right ?
>inb4 both world war have been orchestrated by the kikes too

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That's a... a... fuckit hhnnnnggggg

morals are used to tell the weak what to do. it's morally justified because state is strong. at least stronger than us anyway.

ideally the taxes go to things that matter, sadly the bureaucracies don't let it happen.

lmfao wait a second
the factory pays the worker a fixed wage, hourly or annually. They sell the product, and ideally this pays for all expenses, including ***guards***, and the rest is PROFIT.
Workers don't get to participate in the profit if they don't own a part of the factory or company that owns/operates the factory.
Income taxes are where we take that factory workers pay and take some of it.

THINK OF THE SCHOOLS, hospitals and highways that we can build...

imports millions of nog migrants aka hardcore raepists instead!

What a cuck

I'm an apeist myself what kinda hardcore apes you into bro?!?

into the boat back home

I don't disagree with taxes in principle if they are allocated wisely, but it just seems like more often than not they are excessive, wasteful, and the laws/rules around them can be needlessly convoluted, and that's not even getting into whatever corruption/skimming is likely going on.

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They are a scam. At this nation's inception and for a long time after, we financed the state through real state revenue: tariffs and excise taxes. Taxes on rich international businessmen and their products.

Sometime around the world wars we get tricked into trading that for taxes on the WORK of your average man. An absurd concept when you aren't normalized to it.

You'll notice the moment you merely mention tariffs you'll have a horde of (((top economists))) and (((journalists))) crowing and braying about how that will ruin everything.... lol. This country is cucked.

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The people, business, activity all existed before the formation of government. Government follows the natural organization of people. It starts out innocently enough: the state is responsible for a few things directly in their purview. Inevitably, they greedily seek more and more power and oversight, and then we get to something like we now have in the West, micromanaging nanny states that hurt more than they help, economically.

her shadow from her arm?

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i dont, which is why i do everything in my power to evade them

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I wanna fuck a zoom zoom so badly bros, how do I meet them? TikTok?

Nice graph - to add a bit more detail, the US had no income taxes until the Civil War; shortly after the Civil war said income tax was found to be unconstitutional. Then in 1913 an Amendment was ratified that authorized Congress to have income taxes; at the time they promised everyone that only the super duper rich would pay any, but we all know how that went.

It gets distributed to niggers, therefore it is moral.