So is there ever going to be a point where the economy doesn't directly fuck over millennials?

So is there ever going to be a point where the economy doesn't directly fuck over millennials?

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When every last boomer is dead

The Jews are literally trying to destroy the middle class. You will never see a good economy for the newer generations

>economy improves
>all gains go directly to boomers
>economy crashes
>boomers offload all losses onto gen X/millennials
Not for the foreseeable future. If gen Z is smart they'll continue to stay out of the game until the baby boomers start dying.

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my tinder gold just expired with 0 results

everyone is a super model that travels a lot and eat at fancy restaurants
meanwhile I watch hentai, charts, and accumulate imaginary internet moni

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Don't use tinder j0obait - there are WAY better apps than that cesspool

It doesn't? If you're a software developer, anyway.

>tinder gold
That's part of the reason you didn't get any results. As soon as you start paying for these shitty apps they'll intentionally keep compatible matches from you to keep you in the payment cycle.

You probably got shadow banned. Second of all, get some better pics fren and keep the bio short don't overstuff it with shit nobody reads it anyways. Good pics matter.

tinder is the most effective one, the other ones like bumble and hinge suck serious ass.

Not even then, Zoomers are already ahead of Millennials in collective wealth. They will continue to outpace us due to OnlyFans and Tiktok/influencer income streams. That gap will just widen as boomers die.

Millennials will be the labor force that holds up the economy because they believed the traditional college/trades meme, but Zoomers will land the managerial positions due to wealth and social connections/nepotism that they amass by being more socially oriented normies.

Jews are incredibly based. Why do rightists hate them so much? They literally personify everything it means to be master race. Is it jealousy?

Actually they are trying to equalize the playing field across the world, you just see your living standards go down and cry and seethe about it but most of the world is rising as a response to it as we become more equitable. The west for far too long has profited off the poorer nations and it’s time for that to be put to an end, emerging markets will lift billions out of poverty and if that means decreasing the wests gluttonous living standards a little bit then that is a million times worth it

No. Millenials are the bag holder generation. Boomers sold the top to them.
t. Millennial aka Gen Y

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Written by boomers who were originally called the “me” generation

>published may 20th 2013
God, what I would give to go back to may 20th 2013. Truly those were better times. We didn’t know how good we had it back then. If only we knew how much worse things were going to get.

>but most of the world is rising
lol like where?

Millennials have lived their best years in the greatest bull run in history, and still you whine and complain like spoiled brats. Even if you lose money, you have decades to make it back. My generation is the one getting screwed because we're retiring.

>My generation is the one getting screwed because we're retiring.
What you should be doing is dying.

.001 crickets have been deposited into your WEF account

That makes absolutely no sense to me. The middle class benefits the wealthy class hugely. With money that is inflationary the middle class are stuck in a consume product loop. They don’t make enough to beat out inflation with savings, but they make more than enough to live comfortably and buy plenty of things. If they are not saving they are spending! We pump their bags every single day and the laugh and enjoy the windfalls. They sell us crap products that they know won’t last a minute after the warranty, electric cars that you can’t have repaired by anyone else and housing at rates that should be daylight robbery. (Housing is a particularly egregious example. Look at 2008. They start a buying spree by offering mortgages to people they know will default. When they do default the bank can foreclose on millions of people and the properties can either become rentals or be bought cheaply by those at the top. And the risk was minimal anyway because if people didn’t default on their mortgages it would just drive up prices anyway)
We are their golden goose. Why would they want to destroy us? We literally prop up this system.
My theory isn’t that they’re malicious it’s that they’re too fucking retarded to make good choices. They genuinely think they are making good choices.

Now if you want a really interesting (also somewhat far fetched) theory on this I recommend that you check out the “Road to ROOTA” (a kids book published by the Boston fed). The schizo theory is that the fed have realised how harmful this inflation based system is and they’re fighting the bankers to topple it and bring back deflationary currency. But because the middle class props up this house of cards the Fed needs to push us over first, and let us suffer as we must so that our grandkids can have the economy that they deserve. I want to believe it but it’s just a hard sell

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