The real redpill

He was right. Love is weakness. Emotions are a weakness, all of them It causes people to do foolish things, we cant control it, our hormones and feelings cause us to do stupid things that we wouldnt even think to do.

>going to a strip club
>emmbarring yourself trying to get with a girl
>anakin skywalker ruining the entire galaxy for padme
>paying money to try and save your parents/children from a disase.
>going back to an ex after abuse or after they have cheated on you
>trying out drugs to try and fit in
>raping a women simply because you are horny
>giving your life for a loved one
>breaking or hurting something something in anger

Those are just a few examples of how yes, emotions cause people to do things that you should not do, or partake in actions that do more harm to other than good.

I realized this at a young age, as a result, I have never been in a relationship with anyone. Outside of work i do not not or hang out with anyone. I have never had sex, done and sort of drugs or drank any sort of alchohol. I have not spoken to my family or seen my family in almost a decade, (they semi disowned me anyways). I am doing this for my own good.

I suggest you do the same. Its not to late to start.

Attached: cyruspokemon.png (860x1141, 311.02K)

I feel bad because niggas like you obviously had something that happened in their lives to feel this way.

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If you look into every serial killer/ school shooter 90% of the time they were abused as children, had a mental illness or were like OP that had no one who loved them and wound up on sites like these. Funny enough if they had a girlfriend at any point they would have put the gun down.

Intense human emotions is one of the many things that caused our species to succeed over other apes; caring for each other increased net survivability. Otherwise it wouldn’t have evolved to the extent it did compared to other animals

I knew this was about to be some horny shit as soon as I read the first line. Dip a little further and what do I see?
>Going to the strip club.
Whatever happened? Get over it, user.

Intense human emotions are also the reason every single war we have fought, every single genocide that took place, most murders have have ever taken place etc

it goes both wats user.
>caused our species to succeed over other apes
we were the most intelligent. "caring" for eachother had little to do with it

Suprise Suprise, the worst human emotion is love, hence why its easier to thing of things in that department.

user, that's not what he meant.

Attached: Team Galactic Rules.png (889x717, 393.02K)

explain what he meant then. Emotions are a weakness to the human race

I have autism and being around normies that base their views around morality and emotions is alrerady annoying enough

>I realized this at a young age, as a result, I have never been in a relationship with anyone. Outside of work i do not not or hang out with anyone. I have never had sex, done and sort of drugs or drank any sort of alchohol.
This part is me maybe mbti saying I am INTJ-A (6w5) isn't too far off

being annoyed is an emotion, sorry user you broke your own rules

Which is why we need to remove all emotion from the world.

technically he’s not wrong and our monkey brains are controlled by chemicals but he’s still retarded

Those weren't intense human emotions, those were the results of unchecked reptilian desire for power and territory mixed with human willpower.

Sir this is a Wendy's

Anakin was always angry and it was written in destiny that he would become the new sith. Anaking was also right.

All emotions are defected, except anger. Anger is what makes you a man, anger is what gives you a purpose and a will.

In the Pokemon reality, Arceus decides to enforce emotions in his design which are represented by a retarded ass minuscule pink fairy, as he instead cages and abuses any kind of strong monstruous creature (again, a power given to the fairy). He chains Giratina, but also Palkia and Dialga. Arceus is a trannyfaggot which got traumatized because the giants were pure alpha badass, so now he pushes for a nightmare existence of weakness and femininity, which created humans, the first ever typeless worthless creatures, even more typeless than Arceus itself, to cage and use other beings powers like Arceus does.

What Cyrus wanted to do however is just the direct influence of Arceus' power, he'd simply do what Arceus has already done by destroying a dimension and using its powers to create another. Because fagarceus is a parasite.

When Cyrus ends in the distortion world he likes it, demonstrating that all he wants at the end was just the original dimension of freedom and peace that existed before Arceus deformed design of slavery. Cyrus is just the normal man in a sea of defects. Typical.

Ass burgers

autonomous intelligence without emotion serves no purpose, you might as well just die because there's no real grand reason for any of your goals or pursuits, even hedonists have something to gain at least

He looks like he fuck his admins and Cynthia regurarly

How do you guys even manage stress, a literal biological stimulus response, without any emotions?
You can't just say "hurr durr I don't have stress", a lack of emotional capacity should absolutely compound the stress you produce.