Could a cryptocurrency blockchain be used as an absolutely permanent internet archive?

Could a cryptocurrency blockchain be used as an absolutely permanent internet archive?

Attached: archivd.png (437x979, 139.7K)

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depends, how much of the internet do you want in an archive?
the more storage you need, the higher the costs but also more centralization.
its unlikely the average joe would run a node that is 100s of terabytes so your blockchain would be very centralized.
there also needs to be a way to profit from this, like the node operator or miner or whatever must get paid so he can pay for the server costs/gpus etc.
you need some good incentives.

Unironically ICPs network is a decent candidate for hosting an internet archive project

Kiwi Farms will never die. You can kill a site but not an idea. I hate trannies so much it's unreal.

This, people built forums/sharing sites generally are hydras. Remember Piratebay and 8ch? Theyre still alive and kicking.

trannies are the jews of the internet
its insane seeing so many bend to their will when they represent nothing

The worst part is they also get corporations to willingly lose money just to placate their insanity.

>how much of the internet do you want in an archive?
enough to frustrate tranny jannies, so text and images

>you need some good incentives.
you could turn archived sites into NFTs lol

i mean this is going to be a recurring problem on the internet so profit will be there to be made.

>internet archive
ya just look into IPFS
doesnt even need a blockchain
the chain would only be used to incentivize storage like SIA or filecoin

I mean, that's why LBRY was created. Don't trust it to be entirely censorship proof after it takes off though.

Attached: IMG_20220219_112721_700.jpg (1080x1235, 128.59K)

all the posts of troons incriminating themselves are still archived on the internet archive though.

god I hate trannies and find them disgusting.
I wish they could all be sent to another planet that cannot ever be reached or communicated with by us.

you need to be able to remove shit like CP if someone puts it on the chain, so truly decentralized storage can't work
but proof of work blockchain might

user did you read the OP?
the internet archive fucking nuked it

Maybe truth is above laws.

Fucking checked trannys btfo and the shitposting will continue for ten thousand years

It's less a question of whether it's possible, and more a question of economics and whether the platforms are credibly neutral enough.

You could store that archive on Filecoin with some redundancy quite inexpensively.

>you need to be able to remove shit like CP if someone puts it on the chain
yeah, if the feds put it on the chain

Bitcoin literally has CP in the Blockchain. Nobody cares.

Yes, it's very resource intensive however

Between this, i2p, and freenet there's no reason to use a block


Icp could host it and for cheaper than where it was hosted before.

No. Blocks and transactions can be pruned by miners at will. No blockchain protocol guarantees immutability.