How do I turn 200k into 10 million? Serious replies only
How do I turn 200k into 10 million? Serious replies only
Get 2% interest for about 150 years then cash out
Can u FUCK OFF!!!!!
Spend the 200k on clones and kneepads. You'll have the 10 mil within a month if you work every gloryhole in san fran
Hire two Navy Seals to rob a jew*sh diamond merchant.
I know the answer but there's no way I'm telling.
Buy and sell large quantities of illegal narcotics
Pretty much everything else will involve a gamble but drugs are a sure thing
i can 100% tell you a 100% way to do it but it will cost you 10k
The same way you turn 2 dollars into 100 dollars, just do it 100,000 times.
picrel this is a serious reply
invest in any new L1 launch
they almost always pump and for some reason people miss out
invest in BitDAO before they launch the L1. Also invest in ETH before they launch the new beacon chain
Buy the cheapest papers you know that are soon to go up.
Do this thrice and get out.
Can't we ban these people saying non-serious replies?
Spend 200k marketing several crypto pump and dumps
this but ironically
He is objectively correct; can't get more serious than that.
Learn and understand Black-Scholes and OCC intraday volume relative to futures along with average trading psychology there are plays everyday
What i did then was to fight hard to get into an IDO on polkerstarter then but right now you can get into IDOs easily with as little as $100 and make some cool profits on Uplift
It sholdnt be several maybe he should just keep calm and make a thorough research on some crypto projects that will x5 or x10 his bucks, i remember i had to take my time to dyor on Railgun before aping in and it has been profitable
Hive and hbd