We won, India bros

We won, India bros.

Jai Hind.

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I kneel before my pan-aryan bothers.

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UK is so fucked. Their politicians have no ideas and just rhetoric to pretend like they aren't going to have to suck EU dick despite brexit while their healthcare collapses






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it's almost.... joshi wrestling like in appearance and approach


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UK only got rich from exploitation anyway. Watch how bad they run their economy without pillaging resources from other countries.


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Proud to be indian. White servants in my lifetime

Congratulation Poo, I'm really impressed. Was too hard on you for years.

Now you are the new Aryan leaders of this world, it's a big responsibility!

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UK getting shit on. Green energy policy makes you poor. India never stopped importing Russian gas, and is now much better off for it.

It's collapsing due to mass immigration, just like every first world country. Whenever you import anything other than nurse or doctor you're making things worse in that regard.

kek and you british retards are celebrating the first cabinet without white men. UK is going to crumble away, sad to see. I always appreciated the Victorian architecture here in Mumbai

Idk fren in Canada house prices are only ~10x household income (which has already been stagnant or declining). I think they need another 20 million immigrants in the next 3 decades, personally.

Should have imported more indians

The UK would be fine without neoliberalism governments and Pab Europeans. Instead of having a nationalist against they gave the neoliberal globalist agenda which is great for second and third world economies. Now that the UK is second rate do you think they will benefit? Fuck no.

It would have collapsed regardless. The brits vote conservative until the last anglo is dead.

You're just a whiny stupid white man. Yeah you should have genocided everyone. Now you can't.
>I wish we were more racist
You were plenty racist you fucking creature

They vote right wing every single time. And now they have indians in their nationalist conservative party. It makes me laugh. I hope I get to see indian bosses of white wagies

>behind Germany
What the hell is Germany even producing, Sires?? A bunch of gay cars nobody likes anymore

Germany basically produces factories for the whole world.
Their krautism has given them the advantage of unparallel quality and precision of mechanical and electronic parts.
Try setting up an assembly line with chink parts, it'll be a timed catastrophe.

If an Indian is Christian or Muslim, do they still get assigned to a caste? Or is that only if they are Hindu. Or is it more about bloodline?

based. please let me be a house cracker

lol tea and biscuit fags BTFO

It's about ethnicity. Many of the Christians are dalits who became Christian to escape their caste but you can still tell because many Christians are sanitation engineers (janitors) in India