Give it to me straight

Is LINK a scam?

-2017 OG

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as long as Sergay doesn't betray us then everyone is fine and no scam

bro i was here for the sibos fiasco and the rory memes. it was hard to sell, but man, there was money to be made on dog and food coins. no ragrets [sic]

Look at this original part of code extracted from the chainlink blockchain and tell me what you see

Attached: betray.gif (260x260, 594.46K)

Follow ChainlinkGod on twitter to keep your hopes high and from selling. Chainlink labs would never dump on retail. They are all about truth and transparency. Also please please go to smartcon we need bodies in chairs.

now they are indoctrinating children in schools and telling them to use their lunch money to buy LINK!

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OG here, I sold at $22
Enjoy the bags, I am sure sirgay is treating you well

If Eric Schmidt decided to leave and take nothing else to do with it, I'd be worried. However, it dtrikes me that he wouldn't be appearing at a Link conference if he thought it was a scam. Maybe you think he would, or perhaps you think Eric is in on the scam. Good luck with that.


It isn't a scam, but you do have a whole market seething at sergey and maliciously dumping all their assets in the hope to drag chainlink down with them, it's total lunacy. Also, fud 4 fun fucked this board up and it was on purpose.

>Jesus Christ descends from the heavens and tells mankind Chainlink is the key to salvation and holds the answers to all of life's questions

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the entire chainlink team deserves a hard punch into their faces. i wish i could beat one of those fuckers to the ground. terrible shit investment

Worse, it's very real and dangerous to our democracy.

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It's not a scam. Buy yourself a small bag, just don't sell a fucking kidney to do it.

Yup. If you bought in 2017 and sold later you did good. If you still hold it you're retarded. Just a pump and dump

unless sirgay steps out of leadership no.
that big mac eating pile of lard is always going to keep link (cum) dumped.

haha soft ass niqqa

I was there for the last day of SmartCon 2021 for the face painting booth, if I would have woken up a little later I probably would have been able to catch Sergey in line shirtless instead of pretending to be a tiger until the closing statements finished.
