So is this really happening

right now?

Attached: happening -.jpg (779x663, 133.43K)

gox wouldnt sell them on public exchanges for market price, its all OTC for a cheaper price to big guys

whale groups are using this to make brainlets like you think gox is dumping

>he didn't put sleep clause on his wallet

Selling OTC doesn't magically mean the price is unaffected you fucking retard.

24h Volume(BTC)

mt gox coins are a drop in the bucket

How many times will we see the same goxxed threads? Nothing ever happens

Attached: FAE9D6A6-47E1-410D-8CA3-431C5FB46F05.jpg (890x854, 70.81K)

yeah, wait till they get dumped you retard

>Selling OTC doesn't magically mean the price is unaffected
it is because it's not on orderbook

by removal of otherwise spot buying power maybe
but as in the price itself moving absolutely not retard
if otc deals are made here people see value at these levels

Brainlet detected

explain why then

>prices in the grocery store has no impact on "real" prices since they are OTC
lol, lmao. You literally think people buy OTC for no reason at all? They're just gonna sit on it for 50 years?

If i decide to buy 100 bitcoin from you and give you a huge suitcase full of cash to transfer them from your hardware wallet to my hardware wallet, how the fuck does that affect the price on the exchange?

>removal of otherwise spot buying power maybe
yes? That has a direct impact on price.
Also see

>assumes the OTC buyer is gonna dump them on the market
why the fuck did he buy them in the first place, then?

>mt gox coins are a drop in the bucket
they would literally be 1/3 of that volume, that's quite a splash in the pan for a doggy dog world.

>removal of otherwise spot buying power maybe
avoiding something that might have happened but didn't isn't 'having an effect' kek

I didn't assume that, you're just a brainlet who's only comprehension is HODL or DUMP.
Also plenty of people buy OTC and dump since the entire reason you buy crypto OTC is that you get better than exchange price.

this is literally grade school supply & demand you're failing to understand lmao.
>b-b-but it didn't happen the same microsecond and i'm to dumb to see connections.

If i decide to come around your house and punch you on the nose, but then i change my mind and don't do anything, does that mean i've affected your life, when in fact we've never met and never will? your retarded logic is that i HAVE affected it. You've watched too much Star Trek, user

this is also beyond retarded. 99% of that volume is matched between buy/sell. the remaining 1% is what moves the price. 10,000BTC is enough to literally empty Binance orderbook meaning the price would literally hit 0 for a moment.

There's no maybe retard. There is by definition less demand for BTC after a purchase is made. OTC or exchange doesn't matter. You literally think OTC is some magical thing where you could buy 99% of BTC without changing the price lmao

this is devoling into a semantics argument
no it doesnt effect the price on exchange
no potential buying lifting the price is another thing

you think they buy high and immediately sell low or what
i can guarantee you they have no intention to dump it right now into a lower market

>Who would win
>A zillion usd of fake wash trading
>One real money dumpy boi

you can literally buy all the otc coins on offer for 10's of billions and no it would not move the price on exchange thats what otc means you retard
removal of new buying power doesnt move the price

>its all OTC for a cheaper price to big guys

>Buy BTC from GOX for below market price off an exchange
>Sell it on the market for market price for easy profit

Really makes you think!

No it wouldn't you fucking retard, there are other exchanges and people running arbitrage bots between them 24/7