Between BTC and ETH what is a better long term buy right now?

Between BTC and ETH what is a better long term buy right now?
I don't have a lot of tolerance for risk so I am only looking at these two right now. I already have some ADA, HBAR, AVAX and FTM.

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I think ETH is the better buy overall. Possibly more short term risk though with the merge coming. If it’s done successfully though there could be a nice little pump.

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BTC is unironically so dead that it doesn't even have the energy left to bounce

>zero risk tolerance
>wants to buy crypto


Ravencoin will explode in 1 week.
printscreen this.

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I can't believe there is still retards who hodled this all the way down and didn't sell above $3

you're a hodler! hodl hodl to zero I can tell xD

Nothing matters besides BTC everything else is shitcoin lol

Physical gold.

ETH just had tornado cash shut down, they're moving to a centralized PoS, withdrawals aren't even programmed into staking yet so we'll see what happens there lol, mETHies are WEF eat the bugs communists... so not much of a future there.

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>tornado cash
app layer
>centralized pos
no, educate yourself retard
>no withdrawals yet
so what?

>Between BTC and ETH what is a better long term buy right now?
Neither you retard.

Bitcoin's node software is beginning to be extremely user friendly with several apps to play around on.

Lightning network routing is really easy, they have apps where you can offer your liquidity and earn like 5% APY basically risk free by creating channels for certain durations it's called lightning pool in the lightning terminal app.

They have samurai which is like tornado cash, sphinx chat, you can sell files for bitcoin in agora, and there's a bunch of other stuff I haven't tried out yet.

Bitcoin is by far the superior long term choice with none of the risks of devs and premine dictating shit on PoS.

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find LN

Not clicking your link explain what's up.

unironically kill yourself


perspective on how irrelevant LN is

heh, nothing personnel, but take meds

eth and avax are the decent choices left now, even I just came to games and projects backed by steve Harvey are coming on avax lately

Honestly? If you're in the west you should be loading up on BTC, LTC, XMR with the aim of never selling it until society collapses. At the current rate you have between 1-5 years unless the US goes full 1985 and devalues their currency to bail out their hegemony.

It's fucking defi lama. It just lists TVL per chain. Jesus fucking christ have you been living under a rock or are you completely new?

lol, so what does that have to do with anything?

gamestarplus, they have been backed by the Hollywood shitza, promising enough
my concern at the moment is BTC is losing its steam

Best bet is 50/50 BTC/ETH
Cover your ass no matter what

If the US goes down, china will take over this time, Things are not going to be in their favor anymore now
shit is happening and it's going to be real
when is the ido going to happen.
get in losers

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lol mongoloid china will break apart way before the US