Nothing to see here

Perfectly organic

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yes, the hold of 19.6k for 12 straight days was very organic

>he bought?


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Stockbro here, just wanted to let you know your shitty asset class is an absolute joke and has brought me so much joy over the years. How in the actual fuck does a ~400 billion market cap instrument have so little liquidity? You get what you deserve trading a literal ponzi scheme lmao.

And guess what, your look into bitcoin, rainbows and other shit won't help you either, pleb, lol.

Finally the first time in about to get paid Bitcoin drops in same day

Its like i caught a dip

>m-m-muh not o-organic movement!
>stop-losses don't exist
how to tell me you're a baggie without telling me you're a baggie, hahahahHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH

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serious question tho, why did this same crash happen identically across pretty much most coins?

They will try to take out the SLs in the boxed regions I marked. If you are planning to buy and hold for at least a year, you have to mind those areas.

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let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the
*tss* *tss*

>Perfectly organic
For crypto? Yes it is.

Its always like that duh, trading pairs of btc and eth drag down alts

Trading bots?

it's bots

Chainlink was thteatening to break out so BTC dumps

You must think that every pump and dump is because all the little guy investors got together and bought at the same time. I bet you scream "WE DID IT REDDIT!" every time you see a green candle.
Here's your catalyst.

When the price is artificially high, obviously it can be set lower.

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This is the first time in week BTC has traded organically. I posted about wash trading a few weeks ago and here's the result. Qhales have been passi g money back and forth between their own accounts to keep the price up, but it looks live they've found enough suckers for their bags now.

old news was known on Friday, why would it dump on Tuesday afternoon just after lunch your time

> passi g money back and forth between their own accounts to keep the price up
that would be mathematically a loss to them you stupid fuck

feels like a margin trader wipeout before we move up

>He doesn't know.


Holy shit!

Hey, guys!


He doesn't know!


in theeeeeeeeeeee end it doesn't even maaaatter

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like a clockwork lol

>he thinks the dumb whales know how to count
hows the weather in mumbai rajesh?

> money works in a different way in my mind's retarded universe

> the whales are smart
> the whales are stupid
find more coherent conspiracy theories

I think the linkcells might have a point............

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i admire your spacing


have fun getting destroyed normalfag

Someone let the CEO of bitcoin know that their stock price is being manipulated! Maybe FINRA or the SEC will be able to do something... I feel so bad for all those hard working miners that are losing out from this blatant crime :(

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NEXT STOP $10k BTC !!!


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>people sperging out over a pathetic drop like that
hit me up when bitcoin dumps 10% or more and you all quit sperging out like soft dainty hands going thru your first month in crypto over 0.1% dumps

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Double bottom 9k

I had a short open hahaha

you're doomed baggie.


yeah, but not as perfectly timed as todays crash. Like i was watching both chainlink ans btc candles, and they simultaneously crashed.

I feel like are correct. If it was not bots, I would at least expect to see a time lag of like half hour or something.
Hm, its scary to think that if bots have such control of the market, what happens when it really crashes

so go ahead and open a long
oh what you just wanted to post something for dopamine and you're not really about that life?

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The entire market is fake and gay