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Leveraged traders deserve what they get.

>greedy energy companies are leveraged to the tits because they got greedy despite sitting on a cash cow and needs the taxpayers help
Oh, that's great. Take my money

just bringing down all of society with us teehee

I think the European taxpayer should pay for this. Afterall... it's not like they will complain.

All this because Europe doesn't have the balls to just do an America and roll into Ukraine, slap the shit out of Putin, reclaim rightful Ukie clay and then demand gas and oil in return

This is why Europe will always be second place

The US has never done this to a nuclear power, and has always performed military and diplomatic acrobatics to avoid doing so, always punching down.

clueless nitwits like you appear here on the daily , go fuck right off back to plebbit/pol

>Utilities buying commodity futures is greedy speculation

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 78.24K)

No all this because the global zog wants Ukraine to be a second Israel. Zylensky is depopulation Ukraine of goys. The solution is to just drop all sanctions and let putin have that shithole

youre right ameri-user. So why is America not doing it ?

Ahahahhahahahhahah FUCKING PUSSIES !
Afraid of getting your your ass handed to you again like in :
-Vietnam (lost and left after 58 thousand dead and failure)
-Iran (you wont even touch like little bitches)
-Afghanistan (lost and left after 20 years of death and failure)
-Korea (like above failures)

You havnt engaged in Ukraine because you know that Russia saved Europe from Nazi germany and defeated the germans. America just stepped in at the last moment taking credit. Bunch of grifting (coward) losers.... Lmfao. For the few dumbfuck americans that died for the europeans in europe , I laugh my fucking ass off... Fucking dumbasses getting invovled where you dont belong.

Americans are retarded as shit, we all say it here in europe.. Its so true too. Laugh all you want now amerifaggot-fatty, we'll have at least 80 years of laughter when the dollar finally kicks the bucket and america goes back down the list where you belong.

USA = 3rd world nation.

Cope and seethe for me, give me a reply to let me know that I did a good job making you angry

The vid rel really made me laugh ,this dumbfuck realized 80 years late that he fought on the wrong side LMFAO.
Americans are so fucking STUPID, HAHAHA

Attached: WhenYouFoughtForTheWrongSide.png (1656x1111, 2.39M)

Real talk... why doesn't Europe just invade Russia? Russia is struggling to hold Ukraine. Europe could easily conquer Russia right now especially with so much of Russian military stuck in Ukraine. Just blitzkrieg Moscow and take out Putin. Now you have a vassal state supplying you tons of free gas. Europe could become the #1 world superpower if they just stop being pussies and invade Russia. Russia does not have the balls to use nuclear weapons and would just fold over. No way they nuke Europe since it would just result in Europe nuking them back.

jewish autonomous oblast 2.0

do you understand the intended purpose of futures contracts?

And this is where highly intelligent investment discussion are supposed to happen with bunch of clueless retarded niggers

Russia is pwning the US and EU backed forces in UKR. The only reason you don't know this is because u live on zogged and lefty fantasy echo chamber plebbit forums. wake the fuck up, that shit is all marketing.

originally they were to lock in predictable pricing but then turned into casinos like everything else. close?

>why doesn't Europe just invade Russia?
Yes, let's just invade a NUCLEAR power. Surely they won't retaliate, especially when the leader is ill and has no cards left on the table other than launching nukes.

No wonder Europeans are in such a shit mess right now, if this is their diplomatic skills. Europeans have -13 modifier to CHA.

I dunno, because of nukes?

>Just blitzkrieg Moscow
t. Napoleon Bonaparte

This will effect so many more people than leverage traders...

no reason why this can't be fixed with a backratio spread on the call side for low debit.

Attached: backratio.jpg (2547x882, 136.9K)

>Just march on Moscow in September bro
After Afghanistan, why do Westerners STILL think that history doesn't apply to them?

just let Bernd pay for it