I just finished this book and I like the idea of lowering my tax footprint but don’t want to live in 3 countries every year. Any anons tried the nomad lifestyle or tax avoidance through multiple citizenships?
Anyone using real estate or LLC tricks to minimize taxes?
>yes I pay my taxes, I’m interested in lowering them legally
Nomad capitalist
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That book was clearly not written for you... poor user.
Yeah I’m not interested in traveling to avoid taxes but there’s tons of other tips in the book besides that. I actually found a lot of it useful to my situation for buying foreign real estate.
Thanks for bumping my thread
I like the idea of living in Turkey or Georgia but right now lol fuck no.
>spend a fuckton of time setting up complicated tax avoidance schemes and expose yourself to the whims of foreign governments and their citizenry
yeah no thanks, i think i'll just innawoods
Why not?
Yeah drop out of society so the Jews can control everything. Then the Jews will send federal agents to shoot you encroaching on federally claimed land.
>Yeah I’m not interested in traveling to avoid taxes
Then you aren't rich enough...
In the mean time:
1) Move to an income tax free state
The easiest seems like living in puerto rico or setting up a charitable trust.
>becoming a rootless cosmopolitan is "fighting the jews"
you've been played
They're literally a target for:
>US nukes against russia
>Russia nukes agains US
>Irani nukes against Israel
>Israeli nukes against literally everybody
To call the area a hotspot is the understatement of the millenium
Is the moving around really that bad?
Just get an E-2 visa (obviously renounce your US citizenship first if you have that). Then you can stay in the US for 6 months out of the year and pay no tax (staying any longer within a one-year period would make you classify as a tax resident).
For the rest of the year, you've got the entire world outside of the US to live in. Because you won't be staying long enough in any of them to be a tax resident for that year.
You could do European countries if you wanna stay around White people.
turkey is hyperinflated and dollar is still strengthening. Also Erdogan is playing both sides and eventually it won't end well for him.
Georgia is next to Ru and Ukr and will be much more strict due to the current conflict
Fuck off bitch, I already did that
considering this too, fuck it all and innawoods
I’m liking the Puerto Rico option. El Salvador not taxing Bitcoin sounds interesting too. Argentina and Costa Rica are 2 other places that hold some appeal but not for tax avoidance. I hear conflicting things on Portugal being crypto tax friendly too.
What do you do about an exit tax... I'm fucked here in Canada. GG
>Uncle Sam can’t find me in the woods
>Ted Kaczynski
Didn’t work for Teddy, user
ted was a murderer at large. US feds aren't going to chase after a NEET for his lunch money shitcoin gains.
>the feds don’t care about people not paying taxes
Nice try Wesley Snipes, I’m not going to jail
bought the book too, same impressions as you.
i guess 5 years or 250k investments (portugal, as an example) is the way to go if you dont want to do the trifecta thing. and renouncing US citizensihp of course
i would probably do it already if it wasn't for my wife being career-locked to my country (lawyer)
Just out of curiousity, what does it say about a US citizenship? Did he renounce it?
Yeah he renounced and suggests people who want to do it, do it fast because price keeps going up for US citizens.
Here he explains
It’s not just about taxes, it’s about going to place that treats you better. There’s so many offers for investors and entrepreneurs to relocate to other countries. Everyone’s situation is unique but most of us could do better somewhere else. Doesn’t hurt to shop around and see what’s out there