Say something nice about being in a City

there is an extreme suburban/rural bias here. Say something positive, about spending money to live in a city.

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less stupid middle aged fat people

a lot of jobs and easy to rise in your career if you aren't a complete retard

If youre young and have friends it's fun to go out and take drugs/party

If you're attractive you can fuck women too

>it's spectacular and visually interesting
>a lot of things to do within walking or taxi distance
>for some industries there's more business and networking opportunity

With that said I'm in my late 20's now and getting over it. I want my own space and to get away from the nogs and blue haired trannys.

If youre a single male it's obviously the best place to live to meet women.
Everything is close and in walkable distance, you generally don't need a car.

>pick one

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drugs and parties are for depressed losers

Larger dating pool.
Less reliance on cars.
Concerts/sporting events.

I'm glad I lived in the city for years but I'm over it now.

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Posting on imageboards hating fun, drugs, and partying is for depressed losers

Having friends (especially if theyre open minded and not complete NPCs) doing psychedelics, mdma etc is unironically a great way to spend your late teens and early 20s

Keep coping though. I'm sure you studied the blade whilst the "depressed losers" partied. Lmao

cope and seethe, im sure 20's spent in depressing rural back country made you an interesting and most definitely not mentally ill person.

Too many niggers and kikes. Glad I left this shithole

>no user you don't understand I need to take drugs to seem interesting.
Tweekers keep coping. You're retarded for taking drugs

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You can get to the mandatory vaxx stations easier


DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

I can interact with npcs every day and even hear their noises in my apartment most of the day. It makes me happy because I’m an oversocialized human rat of an npc myself.

How unironically braindead one has to be to claim a city makes you interesting. This is he easiest way to spot an npc, they complain about boredom as if it was something external rather than internal. They need constant entertainment like females or their bland minds goes into suicide mode kek

And why would you need a female when you’re young? To waste more time after female oriented waste of time education in your teens?
Fucking breeder npcs coming here to vocalize their primate noises like they’re humans

>Open minded and not complete NPCs
>Taking psychedelics and mdma


lmao so you're a rural tranny

i spent the first 26 years of my life in a flyover town. there's a reason why fentanyl and meth abuse is so rampant.

>posts on an imageboard
So now you’re older, parties are over and you have no life kek btw your friends were never interesting, just like you loser

Lots of things to do, lots of interesting people, usually the most interesting architecture. I am in a very large midwestern city and it is overrun with faggots, trannies, and joggers so despite all of it is essentially hell on earth.

It’s rampant in the biggest cities too retard

>you’re a tranny if you’re not a feminized coomer addicted to sex, (((romance))) and being a good golem for a used up whore on antidepressants