Debt market is imploding

Fed is out of ammunition. You've been warned.

Attached: Picsart_22-09-06_10-34-24-433.jpg (1060x1234, 120.61K)

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>Fed is out of ammunition.
what is the ammunition and what is the prey? help me understand so i can make more (any) money

Fed has been buying bonds to prop up the market, but it appears they've stopped. They've either lost control or they're just letting it rip.

gotchya, so the memes about the fed doubling their balance sheet disbursement seems to be holding up
>they're just bluffing!
but it seems they're not bluffing and we're in for septembear?

markets recovering
Debt market implosion status : priced in
asset prediction : New ATH EOM

>trillions in "ammunition" in the overnight repo markets.

>money printing + price caps not yet activated

they still got a few levers to pull before the flood.

The Fed Is Going To CRUSH The Markets In 5 Days!

Markets are wrong about Fed pivot; expect at least a year-long recession - Danielle DiMartino Booth

Attached: balance.png (1581x584, 124.89K)

is this bullish?

When the apocalypse hits, I'm just gonna go around spraying graffiti that says "Don't worry, it was all priced in"

If they don't the western economy fails it's that simple

delusional baggie

The Fed consists of fags and cucks, not surprised the market is btfo the "hawks"

hi greg

we are pumping

as I told you, this is bot business, mind your own, thanks

>Fed is out of ammunition
lmao the Fed has been fudding the shit out of the markets for months now

Glad I own gamestop stock

You have 20 days

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remember, this guy right here loves you very much

doesn't matter in clown world. Numbers will go up

>Debt market implosion status : priced in
Hahahahahahahaha you dumb fuck. It'll be priced in when everything has gone to 0


Video posted 10 days ago.

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if it all goes to zero the issuer of that debt will no longer be able to service their obligations without devaluing their currency

Economic colapse is priced in.

explain this in skittles

They stopped buying skittles and nobody else likes skittles so now the price of skittles is crashing.

Going hard into QT until the pain is overwhelming is the only way to let the western economy HEAL. All the zombies, scams, and ideological shit need to stop. It never will if the money keeps flowing freely.

Just make less skittles then.

Yeah but they’re probably thinking if they will get hunted down if they do. Get the word out. THE FED AND ECB ARE PROPPING UP THE MARKET AND CAUSING HYPERINFLATION, PIN SOME CASH AND GET PREPPED. ITS GOING TO BE A LONG WINTER.

It already isn't possible to continue servicing debt when all interest payments are made by taking on more debt from the same ultimate issuer (the fed). This system was doomed to collapse as soon as growth stalled out, and we are here already. The debt is already worthless, as the financial fuckery required to keep paying ever increasing amounts of interest will destroy the dollar completely. Eventually the only thing that will still have value is ammo, commodities and maybe precious metals (which might be seized by the government)

Daddy Greg*.
The Jared Vennet of this bubble.

super smegma climax is coming

Why would the government seize your own bought stuff? Which btw I lost it all gambling…. Tough luck.

>All the zombies, scams, and ideological shit need to stop
You don't get it, those are the entire western economy. There is nothing real. Putin is right, the west has an economy built on shuffling paper around and producing nothing. Only natural resources, agriculture and industry are real

They seized gold during the great depression,,so the precedent is there

The skittles are a byproduct of government debt. So long as they can't run a balanced budget, they need to make more skittles.