is picrel really the golden ticket to finding a legit job these days? im willing to bite the bullet and temporarily give up some privacy to find the right job but how does this shit work exactly when all my IRL friends have shit jobs to?
Is picrel really the golden ticket to finding a legit job these days...
Just learn to code and make a decent portfolio on GitHub
Yes and no. There are a variety of ways to get a job.
Linkedin is predominantly good for job seekers, only if you get premium so you can in-mail people, view profiles, etc.
Be warned that "networking" through linkedin or any time at all during the job search is bullshit because job recruiters and HR don't want to fucking talk to people and purposely make themselves inaccessible.
I got my current job by seeing it on indeed. I applied through ADP.
yeah mate
did this for a mate
>> profile pic in suit
>>fake jobs listed for 2 yrs each under bankrupt companies
>> DM recruiters from companies you want
>>they ask for CV
>>they get you an interview
>>skip all traditional. application process
depends how handsome you are in your profile pic
No lamo.
actually thinking of altering some of my facial features so the pic resembles me instead of being my exact likeness.
these are some good ideas but who do i add as connections on stinkedin?
i just want to add people as frens, no time to ass kiss.
yea and you can always fall back on
>ahh well i put on some weight during covid haha
>who do i add
add your classmates and friends if you still keep in contact, once you add a couple and set up your profile it will keep feeding you new suggestions. Then add coworkers present or past. Then follow some big pages and companies and like/comment on them occasionally to add organic content to your page. Add interests and get your friends to endorse you for stuff
This is the only social media I have. I've never gotten a job on there but I can see how it's possible if you're a career that's not a meme.
The only thing it was ever good for was showing me who mattered at a company so I could cold email them. This has gotten me two different jobs. I don't have any social medias. Just make a burner and use it for data mining
Its 2022 and people still dont know how to game LinkedIn. Yes, you pretty much need it to get GOOD jobs. There are courses on gaming your profile. And yes, there is a right way to do some targeted networking on it.
go to search
click comapny
eg. microsoft
serach your city and 'recruiter'
recuriters in your city come up
add them
rinse repat each company u want
linkedin premium feature
buy it worth it
You too can be an overpaid wfh Chad
Where can I find these 'courses', senpai?
Probably yes, but I refuse to use it since there are too many cute girls there and my hormones would kick in and talk to them for a romantic relationship and get BTFO permanently by being #metoo'd.
That's literally a man, you homo
Its the Filipina blowjob girl who now streams for "mental health" after regretting doing said blowjobs for, what, 50 bucks per video?
thats a woman
>Linkedin is predominantly good for job seekers, only if you get premium so you can in-mail people, view profiles, etc.
Why would you need to message people or be able to see their profiles? You just need to be able to upload your resume, have a decent profile, and apply for jobs, all of which can be done with a basic profile.