Crypto isn't dead, but Bitcoin seems like its dying

Crypto isn't dead, but Bitcoin seems like its dying.

Its 1 year into a bear market and Alts are shitting on Bitcoin.... this isn't how its supposed to be

Unless Bitcoin randomly comes out of nowhere and pumps because of the merge, and all alts dump because of the merge...then I think Bitcoin may be unironically dead

Attached: opengraph.png (500x500, 14.28K)

bitcoin is fucking useless, most people got the memo by now

Most people got the memo? Or are they just trying to ride the wave of a the ETH hype merge?

they're in every thread seething and coping
still some people who didn't get it I guess, makes me feel extra comfy knowing there's a lot of slow/dumb money that still has to rotate

based newfag

Alts will moon and shit coin too. Just image when alts hit ath an byc follows. Pushing them even further.

>Alts are shitting on Bitcoin.... this isn't how its supposed to be
You had 7 years to learn about coins other than Bitcoin. It's too late for you now.

Everyone said Bitcoin was dead back in Defi summer 2020 lmao. A bunch of low cap bagholders got SHAT ON by king bitcoin after the Defi bubble popped.

normies dont give a shit about muh merge and couldn't name a single alt, which are literally worthless until there is a mass adoption of blockchain. normies value bitcoin for its decentralized properties and the fact that it will serve as an alternative to CBDCs when the treasury goes cashless. this thread is full of bagholder cope.

normies don't give a shit about crypto, stop kidding yourself talking up bitcoin

Bitcoin has been tamed, just like they did with gold and silver.

Any asset that threatens the usd must be tamed/destroyed, Bitcoin wouldn't be an exception.

Attached: greenspan.jpg (1600x1198, 341.92K)

>normies don't give a shit about crypto
literally everyone I know holds some amount of bitcoin, and almost none of them give a shit about blockchain

Yeah, that's definitely the standard normie and not an exception. The fact you even make argument about the whims of retail when institutions hold all the cards shows how inexperienced you are.

bet they hold $50-100 in BTC on average

Whales give a shit and are going to abuse the PoW chain to create volume to fuck around with order books. Nothing is organic in crypto. Even the DOGE craze was just wash traders on Huobi and OKEX leading redditors on Binanace and Kraken around by the nose.

>The fact you even make argument about the whims of retail when institutions hold all the cards shows how inexperienced you are.
institutional ownership of assets are as irrelevant to the conversation.
99% of people couldn't give two shits about how how the monetary system works, a system in which institutions hold all the cards btw, and yet they trade assets for goods and services every single day.
pretending bitcoin is going anywhere anytime soon is pure naive baggy cope.

>pretending bitcoin is going anywhere anytime soon is pure naive baggy cope
Yes, so the fact you write shit like
>normies value bitcoin for its decentralized properties
makes me laugh hard

Alts are deep underwater against BTC, It's only ETH due to the merge meme hype

>bitcoin is engineered to kill central banking

first year in crypto?
this happens every bear market, and everyone gets caught out the same way thinking "this time its different"

I dunno, I'm seeing more BTC threads on biz, which seems like a bad sign.