Largest energy consumption nation will buy gas in other than USD. What are the implications of this for westoids?
Is it the petrodollars beginning of the end?
It’s kinda a no brainer that they’d do that and isn’t really much of a surprise.
Wasn't this a thing a while ago? Like at least a year? Are these yokels just regurgitating old news now?
China FUD *never* goes away
i believe it. china has to do something. the USD is too expensive for them
yeah it really is and Xi is about to visit with Saud in Saudi Arabia and runor has it they will sell oil in Yuan and Rial.
All your printed dollars and the inflation with it finds its way to the world where demand for dollars to buy oil allows you to have huge trade deficits and inflation gets taken care of by the world. That is changing now. This means your dollars, not needed for an oil transaction between China and Russia for example, comes back home to you. And gradually or with big bumps, you're flooded in your dollars. And so inflation takes off. And then you will see what printing a trillion does to a currency. And then you can't afford trade deficits anymore. And then you need to irgently raise taxes and cut defense spending. And so on until you're a weird mix between South Africa, Brazil and Canada. But that's in thirty years when the current US doesn't exist anymore.
I'm pretty sure Russia has been requiring payments in rubles for months now for their gas in order to artificially pump their shitcoin...
yup, and the USA completely did it to itself. If biden was under direct orders from the Chinese he couldn't have executed the blunders in a more perfect way to destroy dollar hegemony.
>ruble 15-20% stronger than at the start of the war, after the west has thrown the entire arsenal of legal and sanctions tricks possible including previously unthinkable complete sanctions
>artificially pumping their "shitcoin"
The largest holder of debt in dollars IS China, I thought? It would be illogical to do anything to harm the dollar if that is true. Whoever is running things is not thinking rationally if so.
Arabs have been trading in yuan with china for a few months, india is trading in yuan or ruble with russia, turkey in ruble.
Wake up, nothing breaking about it.
Yuan trading overtook dollar on moscow market a month ago I think.
Pic related is probably the biggest happening, financially speaking
Yes the holdings of China's dollar reserves is bigger than the G7 ex USA combined. It can be used in many ways but in the end they understand the US can only be stopped by attacking the dollar. So if a new world order costs 7 trillion USD, that's not a bad price.
that's not true at all. you can just sell the treasuries to another nation, for their currency.
"largest holder of US debt!!!" doesn't mean they have to hold the notes to maturity. even if they do, it also doesn't mean they have to buy any more. USD is good everywhere. they could just spend it on more infrastructure for africa.
finally an user who picked up on this. The implications of this and the crucial puzzle piece it represents is probably the most underreported or missed habbening since WW2.
So much I believe in this that I am going to start buying physical gold in small amounts starting now. And my only other holdings are bitcoin and a bit of eth which I will sell depending on the pump in the coming weeks
I would wait for 2023 If I were you.
Just a matter of time now...
Uh have fun with that
>us announces ruble and yuan to be illegitimate forms of money no different then trying to pay with toilet paper
Very good Ivan, 10 rubles - which are now worth 20% more
Yuro 2.0. Who would decide the inflation rate and other monetary measures?
This is clearing the way for China to invade Taiwan. They already know how the US will block their access to USD by seeing the sanctions against Russia. They're now ready for it.
Was insanely stupid for the US to weaponize the USD if it really wanted to keep it as the world reserve currency.
It's over
the chinksect globalists are on the brink of collapse, their currency is worthless and nothing to worry about