How to STAKE for newfags >download terra station on your phone >create a new wallet >go to settings and switch network to classic >withdraw your LUNC from the exchange (you do not need a memo to withdraw! memos are only for sending to exchange!) >once you receive your coins go to stake screen >choose a validator and delegate to them >withdrawal of rewards can be done anytime, unstaking takes 21 days to unlock your coins
If this hits .0005 EOW I’ll shit in my cat’s litterbox. If digits I’ll post it here with timestamp.
Oliver Hughes
it's crashing, there won't be a healthy correction goys
Josiah Hernandez
what exchange will everyone be selling on ?
Jaxson Young
Stay close, my heart, to the one who knows your ways; Come into the shade of the tree that allays has fresh flowers. Don’t stroll idly through the bazaar of the perfume-markers: Stay in the shop of the sugar-seller. If you don’t find true balance, anyone can deceive you; Anyone can trick out of a thing of straw, And make you take it for gold Don’t squat with a bowl before every boiling pot; In each pot on the fire you find very different things. Not all sugarcanes have sugar, not all abysses a peak; Not all eyes possess vision, not every sea is full of pearls. O nightingale, with your voice of dark honey! Go on lamenting! Only your drunken ecstasy can pierce the rock’s hard heart! Surrender yourself, and if you cannot be welcomes by the Friend, Know that you are rebelling inwardly like a thread That doesn’t want to go through the needle’s eye! The awakened heart is a lamp; protect it by the him of your robe! Hurry and get out of this wind, for the weather is bad. And when you’ve left this storm, you will come to a fountain; You’ll find a Friend there who will always nourish your soul. And with your soul always green, you’ll grow into a tall tree Flowering always with sweet light-fruit, whose growth is interior.
Is the burn being implemented on the 12th or the 20th?
Nathan Rodriguez
shiet, what if the proposal to cap it at 10 billion gets rejected?
Joseph Jones
lunc will never be $0.01 and you will never be a woman
Brandon Perry
Can you retards even come close to grasping the concept of a traded asset? It goes up and down my guy it doesn’t move linearly. A 5% reduction on a 50% valuation does not mean it’s crashing.
Ryan Davis
runcha how fast will you be selling when binance and kucoin don't implement the burn?
John Ortiz
vote on the 12th and then if passes will be implemented on the next epoch ( 20th) verification not required
Dylan White
Kek loves us for we will not witness such a sight
Benjamin Diaz
you guys keep the fort held down while I'm at work ok, lunc to the moona
Dev said in that article that they plan to repeg it to USTC next year and upgrade the chain so it's cross-compatible with LUNA2
Nathan Perez
runcha think reddit only 4.5k members. runcha dunno there is r/terraluna 75k members. runc already full of redditors. runcha dunno, runcha will hold bag!
Easton Mitchell
I thought they already voted on the burn and accepted it.
Joseph Sanchez
This is quite bullish. The endgame is to salvage USTC by using LUNC as the backing asset. In reality the burn, even if it isn’t implemented by the exchanges just needs to burn through a sufficient supply to make the repeg viable which will in turn burn a lot more.
Christian Thompson
i could be wrong but i belive its currently set to 0 and the vote would be to then the burn rate to 1.2%
That’s exactly what it is. 12th code goes live at 0%. PR will be merged by the 19th/20th either with TFL support or not.
Eli Rodriguez
Looking at simple math models, factoring in exponential decay, in a bearish case moving from 6tn to 10bn would take 4 years, and from that 10bn to 1bn (original pre black swan supply) would take another year or so, but have a linear multiplying effect on the token value (so a 10x reduction in supply would 10x the price assuming equal market cap).
Cooper Wright
It also says that 3T LUNC have been burned. It’s an ESL retarded article. Burn code is live the 12th. Burn tax on September 20th >Just a few days ago it was known that until To date, more than 3 trillion LUNC tokens have been burned. This was reported by the Twitter account LUNC Burn, which is in charge of monitoring all token shipments made to Terra's crypto-hell wallet,
Jeremiah Cox
We’ll bros looks like I’m going to be god emporer of planet earth when I hold the very last lunc worth all the money on the planet.