A rally led by altcoins

>a rally led by altcoins
how new are you retards exactly

Attached: essentialpepe.jpg (512x468, 18.5K)

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Its Ethereum led
Bitcoin is ((tamed)) now its crabcoin we trade altcoins now did you not get the memo?

came here to post this, Bitcoin is the real altcoin
how out of touch are you op?

>did you not get the memo?
I'm subscrbed to the oldfag newsletter user, not the newfag newsletter

>euphoria paired with this time it's different
It's worse than I thought

I know what you mean, today i have a little Bitcoin after months of having none, sold a tiny bit Ethereum
But i cant see it doing good this year

Option A - Trade bitcoin which is more or less an indexed ETF being operated by a jeet with no financial understanding who sometimes mashes the up button and other times holds the down button.

Learn the tiniest bit of TA, read up for about 5 minutes on various alt coins, make life changing money in both bear and bull markets.

I swear some of you are straight up retarded and will never make it and there's proof of that right here with the varying /general/ autist threads.

Video very, very, very, very much related.


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B A C K.

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>this time its different
? BTC has been bleeding out for 7 years in ETH terms
you are talking about 1 gigawick, learn to read a chart

It is Statera led this time.

and yes, its also different: defi, nfts, merge, eip1559, rollups, etc.
bitcoin: *crickets*

Hello my newfriend and original poster. I think you might have chosen the wrong picture for your thread. Your statement "a rally led by altcoins how new are you retards exactly." should have been posted with an appropriate bobo picture. Instead you have posted a picture of a green frog, or how we call him here, off-topic frog. Don't get me wrong I agree with you that your green frog is a good looking green frog, you could almost say a handsome green frog, but I wouldn't go so far, at least this time. But please refrain from using the so called off-topic frog pictures if you are posting a on-topic thread, especially about your feelings on the market or general market sentiment. We have a wide variety of mumu (the bull) and bobo (the bear) pictures for you to chose from, so you can adequately express your feelings and thoughts towards the current market situation.
I recommend you to delete the thread and repost it but this time, as I have said in the sentences above, the right picture, in your case a bobo picture. I have added a so called bobo picture on my post so you have a better understanding what to post next time. I hope I could help you with my little post and I hope that you will learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them in the future.

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You mean ETH?

Alts are extremely oversold against ETH and ETH is overbought against BTC. Whales will probably nuke the market overall and then start the regular cycle of BTC>ETH>ALTS because crypto never changes

In reality BTC.D should collapse much lower than it's rightnow. Pic related is BTC.D excluding stablecoins and ETH, Meaning BTCVSALTS, Which's in deep bear market territory at the moment

Attached: BTC.D EXCLUDING ETH+STABLE.png (1778x784, 76.06K)

>regular cycle of BTC>ETH>ALTS because crypto never changes
I swear you 2017 fags are midwits
That was not always that way it was just this one cycle
Last bullrun it was not like this aswell

Bitcoin dominance is near all time low during a bear market. Face it, boomercoin is cucked.

Well checked

The rally is literally being led by the likes of Ethereum and Polygon you retard. BTC over-rated.

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I'm not new I just cope by not remembering things. This all seems fine.

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BTC dominates but QANX is the future.

i cant imagine myself selling my BTC, ETH MATIC and ORE that will be the most foolish thing to do

>I have always seen bitcoin, the first major cryptocurrency, lead the market so therefore it will always be the case