What would you do

What would you do

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find a wife who can actually make money

time for an upgrade

you should kill yourself now

I wouldnt date a girl whose got less wealth than me.

My brother is smart, his wifes parents networth I estimate is about 5X higher than my parents.

I plan on doing the same thing, marrying a girl who has more to lose than I do.

Going into a relationship as a man in 2022 where you have more to lose financially...yeah, its a terrible decision.

If youre gona do the whole normalfag shit and be in a relationship with a woman, at least have the woman have more $ than you, or at least have parents who are much wealthier than your own parents.

>you should kill yourself now

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Tell her to mind her own money and lifestyle.
Tell her avocado toast and starbucks means worse quality of life.

I'd have a realistic conversation about earnings with my long term partner of ten years, but I probably wouldn't have spent a decade playing some fantasy of "down the middle" if one of us realistically had bigger earner potential in our financial trajectories. That's a conversation for the first year of living together and splitting bills, not a fucking decade in.


My brothers wifes parents gave them money to buy a house, my parents couldnt afford to do that shit, but because his wife parents are loaded, now my brother got a house, easy mode.

So if they ever get divorced, he now gets proceeds of a half a house, that HIS WIFES PARENTS PAID FOR LOL, if that isn't based, then dont know what is

IDK if it were me I'd just knock her up and make her stay at home while focusing on making even more bank for my new family, but this reeks of urban bugman

The unfortunate truth is, if the positions were switched around, the woman would dump the dude or start being a total bossy bitch to him. Maybe not in all cases, but in most. That being said, I would probably just tell her to quit working all together or do something part time (so she doesn’t go loopy) and spend the rest of her time tending to the house and kids. If she doesn’t like that she can either get a better job or quit her fuckin yapping. God damn I hate that, women who act like they’re big boy worker and then also want you to pamper their ass and act like a spoiled bratty bitch when you don’t gibs them yo stuffs. Your either a bread winner or a house wife, pick one you spoiled bitch. God damn I hate women.

This guy gets it. Jfc it’s not hard, just tell them to stfu when they act like this. Women will try and shit test you to the extreme and some guys are just completely oblivious to it.

>earn 2x wife earnings
>contributes ~1.7x cost of living
>my wife is poor

this dude is living ALMOST paycheck to paycheck too and saying his wife is poor. he's horrible with money.

>heres your rich female who wants to marry you bro

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>>contributes ~1.7x cost of living
>Entire cost of our car
>contribute 3x as much to our monthly savings
Depending on how big the above 2 are, he may even be contributing more than 2x

bunch of idiots replying ITT
What I'd do is tell my wife to quit her job immediately and start making children, it would be an ultimatum if she refuses I'd leave her

what about love user?
you reduce people to numbers
its sick!

Joint savings while not being married sounds supremely retarded. Split all ongoing costs 50/50, have seperate bank accounts and one shared one

I don't, my society does, and I can no longer pretend otherwise.

Maintain seperate finances.

>what would you do
i told my wife i loved her on first meet and rawdogged her later that night while insisting i wanted her to carry my children
so it's hard to relate to the bugman who hangs around a woman for 10 YEARS, still thinks of his gal as "my long-time partner", and is concerned about how they should split the bill (oh yeah, that sounds sexy)
why would you even want to spend so much of your life around someone you're not passionate about
women are made for wifing and nurturing, not for glorified roomates in perpetual late teenagehood