Fud bros we have a problem

LINK has found support above its 200 day MA for the first time in 2 years. Its over… linkies won.

It even had a golden cross and found support on it. Fml

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It’s dumpin ain’t it

Oh ononono no Bulgarian bro, I need to accoooom

Show the chart else this is fudfud

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Stop with all this fudfud

Its over

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Now that's what I call a fudfud.

It's over fud bros..

The linkies are still standing. We failed to stop them, we failed to destroy Chainlink in time and now we have to face the New Harsh Worldwide Reality-Order.

Attached: cry.jpg (223x221, 13.33K)

based elites made the blood of the normies run free and literally executed any one dumb enough to take the vaxx and you nigger fags wanna cry aboot it?

We will dump soon

better luck next time I am sure you get people to panic sell when it drops from $200 to $60.

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It's over fud bros..

The linkies are still standing. We failed to stop them, we failed to destroy Chainlink in time and now we have to face the New Harsh Worldwide Reality-Order.

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I'm liking fudfud. Should be a thing.

Doomp eet

No. Pomp eet

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7.50 and this Lil shit sends it.

I want to believe

Might be the most free-est money any could get.