This won't end well and deep inside you know it

Attached: oksdioskisk.jpg (900x563, 221.77K)

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No thanks. Not selling.

I now have 500k from LUNC with a 200k investment only a week ago
thank you suckers

based dubs confirm I did good
thank you Kek!

Attached: jerry.gif (200x150, 2.11M)

lol the burn not even started yet

Thanks for the shitty tip. Still not selling though

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no they dont know, most are true believers

Not for boboniggers it wont

>Noooo you've bought the absolute bottom, you can't take profits !!!!
Lol. LMAO even. We're still so early. CZ has a plan, and losing is not an option to him. We're just following his trail to grab some crumbs of wealth.

Your fud is too late.
$1 EOY has already been written.

Attached: lunablessedcheckem.jpg (1041x1850, 378.24K)

It's a great blockchain with an incredible use case and we will revive it. Burn isnt implemented yet and CZ will back us. There is no reason not to invest in this coin but no problem ser keep bagholding rubic

checked, blessed by LUNC gods

It's gonna doompa tomorrow for sure but only temporarily. LUNChads are gonna make it and you're gonna rope.

>maybe THIS time the fud will work
(It won’t)

Sir, I am not currently intending to redeem at this moment

The sheer number of digits in LUNC threads has always been baboona

It already has ended well
I unironically bought 1.5mil @ 0.000013 at the absolute bottom as a souvenir for $30
I now have 5 mil staking worth $3k and it cost me some spare change.

Attached: LUNA MOONA COOMA.png (1644x208, 31.51K)

Wrong op
It ends hilariously for all of us
It rugs = kek
It reaches $1 = kek

It's going to 0, all the money is going to Do Kwon yet again so he can fly in a private jet to a private island and fuck 10/10s

So, how much did you short? It's not too late to change your mind, we are still far from 1$.

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We're having fun either way with this, lol

For those of us who were able to get in early yea it’s shits n giggles the whole ride with little to no risk

Though I have to say, I'm finding the cope and seethe over it quite entertaining too