Are you happy?

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Yes, also one of the poorest people on this board aside from the indians and mexicans

I own nothing

idk user i came out of prison 3 weeks ago it feels good not being in a box i guess

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I'm a writer. I have long bouts of sadness, anger, pain, regret, anything you could name really. I have a few bright shining moments of joy. I make my money in those few even moments of feeling even. I sit down at my keyboard and type my best and worst moments into a story, weave it together, and monetize it. Am I happy? I am happy less often than most. I enjoy my moments of happiness more than most people do, I think.

i got lucky and met a good woman early
we have two healthy beautiful children
we've been married for 20 years

I’m gay

post her

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You sound like a faggot, I bet only women read your books

can you workout in there, how is the food, can you get restful sleep?



fuck no

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I'm not a romance author.

I'm numb.

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I just feel dread all the time

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Thank you for your service.

Are you comfortably numb?

I was about to create the same thread. Are you happy yet? You finally made it, and now? All for what

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I'm worried and frustrated about money. Other than that I'm good.

>You finally made it, and now? All for what
so that you can live comfortably. what else is there

She is cute, where?