i think it will dump desu
Explain why you think the market will moon or dump after the merge
Dump because everyone says it's going to pump
i want to get her pregnant
Pump because everyone says it's going to dump
>inflationary shitcoin memed into existence by twitter bots
To be fair that is 90% of crypto.
FPBP. The more I hear "generational bottom" spammed, the more I'm convinced we have much lower lows to sweep
Every single fucking mainnet launch pumps before and dumps after
buy rumor sell news sort of thing. Eth is going to dump massively wether it does well or not
everyone knows crypto is about freedom and pos is a scam so expect a pump to bait degens then dump like any shitcoin that nobody trusts
I get some serious uncanny valley vibes from this whore, and ngl somehow it has me diamonds. I want to impregnate this sluts mouth and pussy dozens of times while I get chills looking at her face being creeped out.
It may get a small pump leading up to it then dump and crab is my guess
I used to get erections to this tiktok bith, then I realized we both have the same face.
who is this semen demon ?
can we get a name? source?
LOL dude I was thinking the same about myself watching this webm. da fuck
>The more I hear "generational bottom" spammed, the more I'm convinced we have much lower lows to sweep
And I will keep buying on the way down.
I can't say, but for me, I'm focused on the yield I get from my staked USDC on Spool.
you know this chick is probably acting cute on camera while she is suffering from a bad case of yeast infection.
What a disgusting, weird face bitch. I almost throw up
I'd pump her like dogbat, and dump her like... Shib
What's her name?