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Carson Anderson
William Wright
Checked and OP is a faggot noLUNCer
David Foster
Lunatics are going to experience extreme pain.
Jordan Jenkins
look at the large sells! kek! its OVER
Juan Sanders
If this is pain im all for it no coiner
Nolan Watson
What is this user kun
Ryder Reed
Binance trading data. it shows how many people are buying and selling overall. ofcourse stupid pajeets like will ignore it lol
Gabriel Anderson
Oh No! It didn't go straight up forever!
Nathan White
>Oh No! It didn't go straight up forever!
Jaxon Flores
Oh thanks
Kevin Robinson
I already sold at took my 1200 profit. Thats a weeks worth of work for doin nothing so ill take it. I thought about holding but i dont think they will let pajeets become millionaires
Jonathan Clark
He’s right ya know
Levi Sanchez
Imagine being you
Nathaniel Garcia
So basically OP is a faggot
Eli Jones
Do you really need me to tell you how that chart ends?
Samuel Sullivan
>using coinmarketcap in 2022
thanks for proving you're indian ser
Gabriel Diaz
No mate you're too late, I just bought 10m more LUNC
Parker Hall
Half of Any Forums HATES that we are making money off of Lunc and I fucking love it, keep it coming faggots
Jaxon Sanchez
Actually, I'm on Coin Market Cap for this premium and exclusive keks
Ryan Sullivan
Bump keke op is a faggot of course, stay stinky
Julian Carter
$1 EOY