Linguistic Investing Strategy

I have a hypothesis Any Forums. It's about jargon, and three ways it can be used as a financial indicator.

1. Jargon is being used to describe something that isn't easily described or talked about in layman's terms. This indicates nothing more than two experts talking to one another. It's everything from two scientists in a lab to two mechanics in a shop. It indicates nothing, for our purposes.
2. Jargon is being used to obfuscate a lack of expertise or to create the illusion of expertise. Think corporate talk. "Let's circle back." "Promote core synergies." If you've been in or around the corporate world you know what this is and what it sounds like. It indicates a large enough body of people collecting paychecks who add little to no value to a company for this kind of talk to be common.
3. Jargon is actively being propagated to create the illusion of expertise for those adoppting it. It's when you hear people throwing around terminology that they only think that they understand. You've definitely heard it before. Think "the Fed prints money" (not creates, but prints). Think "base load" and how it's used when talking about energy grids. Think most of what you hear when people talk about web 3.0 being "on the blockchain". This virtually always indicates some form of fraud being perpetuated by someone.

If we think label the first form as value neutral, the second form as slightly value negative, and the third form as strongly value negative, at least in terms of long term investment into something, then does a useful picture appear? Or are there too many confounding variables?

Attached: serial killer.jpg (1080x1214, 101.28K)

um im not reading all that, but
im really sorry that happened to you
im so happy for you

Moot's a serial killer?

That's not moot, that's Sam Hyde

w2c Red Sex shirt?

it's funny how these companies only cry about ai being racist when it makes black people look bad. I'm sure this is not factoring in any other countries. Like imagine how many serial killers exists in shitholes like el salvador or africa but no one cares to call them that

What a handsome Jewish man.

>incredible AI deep fake technology compiles every pedofile into one man.

Attached: 572829585743.jpg (495x619, 20.13K)

You're basically describing due diligence and being able to sniff out bullshit, scams and schemes by how a project describes itself. You've invented reading comprehension and meta textual analysis, essentially. Are you high?

its not that deep, some fat redditor just got all images of (most likely) only american serial killers and got this result

>faggy hair

I'm suggesting a larger scale application of this, possibly quantifying it.

Uhh jargon exists because of efficiency. Also shits complex and making it easier to describe a noun. Jargon are always nouns for this example but working techniques can also be jargon too. The Germans language is actually really good with its jargoning.

Re jargon, I have to deal with women in my job who constantly misuse technical terms and are big on meaningless jargon. They would rather you struggle to understand wtf they are on about than appear like they are not as clever as they are pretending. Sometimes I get emails so hilariously worded it is as if a child wrote it. Making requests that make zero sense and using wrong technical terms that destroy their grammar structure.

Okay OP,

1. Amass a huge volume of financial media
2. Skim through and categorize the jargon
2. Weigh up the Jargon based on your criteria
3. Make financial trades based on this information

Write a trading bot to do all this and get back to us. Credit me in the source code or whatever.

Attached: 1660021540334631.jpg (256x197, 6.03K)

I can do this, it's just a matter of building a bunch of dict|keys, though I'm not sure where I'd pull that much financial media from.

It's Jerma985 and I do not have any trouble at all believing he's unironically unhinged.

Who the fuck is moot?

Thought most serial killers were black


How can you programmatically differentiate between a jargon term being used by an expert, versus a jargon term being used by someone else?

The program would have to be able to understand the context of the term's usage.

Some people are so good at bullshitting, that it'll completely throw off the accuracy of your strategy.