Will spotify survive the downturn or will it get eaten by Apple?

Will spotify survive the downturn or will it get eaten by Apple?

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I fucking hope it dies, absolute trassssh

I never understood this app, I tried it out once and it was literally the most mainstream shit music.

I'm on the 3 month trial and UI is shit

i like spotify. I think your just a retarded faggot.

You can't even see the full song lists from the artist with the mobile app so shove it up your ass if you love it so much fucking queer

No, the UI, UX and tech they use is pure trash. The audio quality is also some of the lowest out of all streaming platforms, even with the quality at max when subscribed. You're the retarded faggot here.

apple consumer basedboy faggots reported for shilling

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Jokes on you I use a fucking samsung

spotify is great you zoomers

apple music sucks so bad I keep paying for spotify despite paying for apple premium one or whatever its called

My gf likes spotify, therefore, it's trash.

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spotify is for faggots and invreative premature school girls who hasnt developed an own taste and need playlists made by even bigger fags

Spotify sucks ever since their major UI revamp, if youre on android you can basically run any version (they support them basically indefinitely) and download the APK versions 8.5.2.XXX (these are all before they started the podcast shilling and you can enjoy a clean and good experience, if you use it as a family you get a great deal and if youre a student or you use a VPN you can pay like 5 bucks or even less.

its just ease of use, getting to enjoy new music that your taste usually relates to once in a while is also great.

If pandora is still alive I imagine spotify should be fine

apart from the fact youtube reccomends you music automatically and with adblock its free

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You actually want to defend trash like Spotify? lmao. What does this have to do with Apple? A real man downloads all of his music in lossless, are you a man? Only poors exclusively use streaming services and Spotify is the bottom of the barrel.

how much dick are you guaranteed for owning an apple product

Are these bots or something? What does Spotify have to do with Apple? Do you think that Spotify = Android or something? lmao

what kind of trackers do you use? if youre listening to even basic shit like Black metal you wont find 90% of the bands

The fuck you talking about? Like an Amiga or Polyend?