California still needs drinking water


This isn't a joke anymore. If you're really going to let us die from dehydration...then you can die. Great Lakes fags are officially put on notice.

The entire West Cost is unified in it's search for water. You may think it's funny to spew hatred to Californians and other West Coasters, but we will absolutely remember this shit, and we'll tell all of our goblinos who's responsible and what they're intentions are. Pro tip: we're gonna tell them you tried to dehydrate us to death and you think it's funny.

We're not laughing out West.

Thankfully, the US government will not allow California to falter. You faggots talk tough now, but when big comes into town and tells you to build that fucking pipeline, you bet your ass you won't be talking back.

I honestly don't see what the big deal is. You Great Lakes fags have so much water. Just share some fucking water with us and there will be an end to the horror. We're taking a mere quarter of your available water...that's it. The pipeline will feed it into reservoirs around California, and then the other West Coast states can get our water scraps.

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This troll post is meaningless. Great lake fags would be more than happy to give you water. Things would be different if it was either Texas or Florida.

fuck commiefornia

>what is the great lakes compact
That's not happening realistically. The more "easy" or viable solution in the short term is to divert the Mississippi River to replenish what water is missing, alongside desalination which is way cheaper than pipelining water from the Midwest.

>You Great Lakes fags have so much water.
You have literally been stealing our water for years now. Shut the fuck up.

we'll give you water if you stop exporting your filth degen ideologies and just shut the fuck up

im not losing my great lakes to provide water to a bunch of queers pedos and drug addicts aka the whole state of cali. you can all die over in your little pedowood hellhell of faggotry sodom and gomorrah you got going on over there degenerates

it would be easier to suck out fresh water from the west coast's bountiful rivers that flow into the sea at their mouths and pipe it down to beanerville

There'll be plenty of pipeline jobs for you faggots. You love our welfare money but you don't wanna supply the money makes with water. Typical Midwest logic

>hi i'm from california and i want to put your 5 year old son in a dress and tell him about oral sex
no thanks california, fuck off

Midwest brainlet with an IQ of 80?

You assholes don't understand, it's fucking dry as fuck out here. We have literally no water in our lakes, and no rain water. We're at a CODE 5 for desperation here. I'm not joking, you will give us that fucking water. You're just delusional if you think we won't just take it. Your politicians will be bought with big money. We have money here. Billions upon billions. We're more prosperous than nearly every nation on Earth. You poor state fags just can't comprehend what kinda of economic beast is out here. We need that fucking water or the country is going down. You won't be laughing when your EBT gets cancelled because there's no more food and money. I bet if they increased your welfare, you'd be more than willing to build that pipeline. Wouldn't ya?

commiefiefornia is a cancer on the nation. a cancer on the world. literally an appendage with gangrene that must be severed from the body to save the patient.

the government should just send them Jackson MS's water and end this shitty threads

you can have the water just shut the fuck up and stop trying to force everyone to be gay. pretty simple ask

>You love our welfare money
All your "welfare" money goes right back to your shitty states for managing your hoards of poor mutts and your weekly disasters.

big money will just move elsewhere
like elon who couldn't take the bullshit anymore and moved his factories to texas. california has nothing to offer but sanctimonious lectures from morally bankrupt lechers. the rest of the country has food and apparently water. the money will leave. you can stay and rot in the filth you created

Are you really this fucking retarded? You think the US Federal government is going to let it's crown fucking jewel die? Lay off the corn whiskey, faggot.
I'm totally fine with how things are playing out. We're literally sending MILLIONS of Californian sympathizers to your states. Your head is going to FUCKING EXPLODE when your state approves the building of a water pipeline.

Stop wasting your water on citrus and avocado orchards.

Conveniently leaving out the trillions of dollars we provide to other states

The reality where millions of Californians are turning your states blue, and sure enough, they'll also vote for a pipeline. Mama and Papa Rodriguez back in Los Angeles coming so much about having no water. I guess their beloved son Miguel will vote YES for a water pipeline to California. Miguel doesn't give a fuck about your water, and he'll vote YES to send it back home.
Cool story bro.

>Amerifats think they own the Great Lakes
They are 50% rightful Canadian territory

>a mere QUARTER

The feds own nukes. You own....farms. The feds are on our side, not yours.

Build desalination plants you stupid lazy fucks or move out of the desert. I will bomb all theoretical Minecraft pipelines you construct to feed your immigration fetish

>california so much money
meanwhile tent cities everywhere, the homeless shitting in the street. hundreds of billions spent on "lgbtqiaa+". refuse to do controlled burns while your state is on fire, refuse to grow more sensible crops, refuse to shut the fuck up when all the world is tired of commiefornia telling them what to do.

HAHAHAHAHA jews dying of thirst; it's a wonderful, beautiful thing...poetic, even

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they'll never do anything sensible, its california. they don't do common sense over there

i don't give a fuck, i already said, have the water. in exchange just shut the fuck up

Maybe if you spent more time studying practical subjects instead of intersectional marxist gender theory you would realize that no one is keeping you from taking water from the great lakes. No one has ever asked or floated the project because over those distances and elevation changes a pipeline is simply impractical. If they start right now, you'll have been long dead of thirst by the time the project is completed in 10 years. Besides I'm sure the water from the great lakes would be way to polluted for you fruitcups.

Also it definitely is hilarious that all you smug faggots and lazy beaners are going to die. You built your cities in the fucking desert what did you expect?

>Trillions of dollars for other states
Nigga, you also take trillions of dollars. By all means leave the US, nobody wants you here. As a matter of fact, Texas doesn't even want to be with anybody else for that matter.

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hmm if only you could find some tech globohomo billionaires buying up land between the Great Lakes and your shithole.
>Oh wait

its california, where feelings and gay ideology matters more then petty nonsense like natural laws and basic realities and practicalities.