Eth/btc breakout

eth/btc about to break out ?

eth boys we just cant stop winning
eth will flip btc eoy sceencap this

Attached: ethbtc.png (1052x464, 93.8K)

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We shall see if *they* will be able to tame ETH like they did we BTC. Otherwise, ETH will definitely flip BTC.

Attached: eth cme.png (967x962, 1.04M)

is it possible for ETH/BTC to break 0.1?

3x Bitcoin marketcap EOY

bruh BNB is ATH vs btc in the middle of a bear market, nothing is imposible anymore. BTC dominante is almost all time low too.

BTC at 39% dominance has been a sell signal for alts 5 of 5 times. Chances are it'll be 6 of 6 in a few days

yeah bro, i bet thats wha people said the last time it was at 77% and it ran straight down for a fucking year?
bitcoin is gold
shitcoins are the stock market

>eth boys we just cant stop winning
You fucking fags really need to go back to twitter. It's time to go

I really feel like throwing my BTC into ETH out of fomo, which most likely means we will see a dump soon.

keep calm and be patient, you will get an entry eventually, right now is tricky because of merge hype. I filled my bags at 0.05 and many people did so in order to dump on you.

Bitcoin really needs some new shilling and bagholders, the price action since dumping off 30k has been fucking pathetic

I was seriously considering putting in at 0.05 but I thought it may go lower.

Nigga, you hold Litecoin.

It's been rockin' and rollin' since mid July

Attached: 1639184151261.jpg (1920x1080, 331.49K)

I was shitting my legs when i bought, im very meticulous where/when i sell btc for alts, but ive wanted an entry on eth since over a year, in fact my hand is hovering the sell bottom every day but i just cant, ii think it can run another 10-20%

I hope for your sake it does user, good luck and don't get greedy

eth is already dead for the people, because it raped the only technology that made crypto decentralized in terms of trust.

bnb is fully manipulated by a billionaire on a centralized exchange so it's practically not crypto at all.

jesus you're retarded

only guy ITT with a brain

Yep its going up

We had a rising wedge in formation for a few months, this is either a breakout or a breakdown. Either way, volatility is here

>We shall see if *they* will be able to tame ETH like they did we BTC.