So I was in my scooter in traffic in chennai today...

so I was in my scooter in traffic in chennai today, and for like half an hour i was behind this minitruck with a guy sitting on the side in the back
pitch black skin, amazing facial features, literal twink body, unironically the cutest guy i've seen in a long time
he doesn't deserve to be poor bros
he probably has no idea how good looking he is

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Brahmin here, you are a disgusting subhuman dalit and should kys.

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dubs don't lie.

this is what holding KDA does to you

why didn't you hop off your scooter and bang on the window to tell him

thirdies are so fucking disgusting its unreal

So indians are behind the spy x family spam

Hello "YHWH Loves You".


Here just to look at Yor, also buy Hiroki
hirokitoken dot com

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Post more of this and I may consider your coin

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What's it like being a Brahmin?
What do you think of the next tier caste?(The warriors or whatever, K something or other I think.

Turns you into Yor?

>the window
>he doesn't know

>What's it like being a Brahmin?
Back in the old days most brahmins were priests, gurus and advisors to kings and princes.
But in todays india we live mostly in the background, most politicians are lower caste vaishya and thus very corrupt and inefficient aand a few are kshatriya (the only good politicians btw).
Most brahmins are wealthy and own companies, more traditional ones still teach about religion as gurus or on universities, because they don't have a need for worldly goods. Life is generally good and we live in our gated communities, far away from the filth.
>What do you think of the next tier caste?(The warriors or whatever, K something or other I think.
You mean kshatriyas. They and brahmins are the only remaining aryans in india (descended from the aryan warriors of central asia from over 6000 years ago).

>most politicians are lower caste vaishya and thus very corrupt and inefficient
They're the 'merchant' class?

Yes and they only think about money.

larp, also sitting on the tallest pile of shit is still a smelly existence

Do non-Hindu people still get assigned into a caste? Or do they automatically go to the lowest one? Or is it more about genetics? Like Muslims or Christians?

More busty anime chicks please


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