/tlcg/ LUNC Terra Luna Classic General - Invocation of ISHTAR Edition


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I'm literally a white uncircumsized man with a 1958 King James by his side
Look, the truth is I want all of you to make money and be happy. Seeing poor anons on Any Forums losing their hard-earned money saddens me, which is why I am strongly opposed to the $1 price target
To anyone that holds LUNC, remember to take profits. Cash out your initial investment as soon as you're up a few X. And then let it ride to your unreachable moon targets, I don't care what you do after that

And if you don't hold any LUNC yet and still want in, by all means don't invest more than you can afford to lose and consider that money gone as soon as you buy. Good luck

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Reminder to ignore all FUDers
Do NOT give them oxygen
ESPECIALLY the Canadian midwit

Aaaaah, triple bottom.
Buy buy buy!

we dont care faggot

nice faggot pose, faggot

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My schizo mind is telling me $1 EOY, check em

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Thank u st kret and redditors for your losses and blood sacrifices, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The pheonix rises from the ashes. Truly a blessing from god. I am eternally grateful

Fudders get roped

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>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>"w-we're going to be rich a-arent we??"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>other anons are reassuring you you're going to make it
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>time to make another thread
>”LUNC price prediction thread"
>yeah that's nice... look at all those numbers
>put all the posted numbers and multiply them with your stack
>haha wow, thats a lot of money
>imagine what all you could do with that money
>maybe i'll finally have sex...
>sun peeks through the curtains
>you hear your parents waking up
>hehe, fucking wagies
>the depression comes back
>the dopamine rushes dont last as long as they used to
>time to make another thread
>"is 10m LUNC enough to make it?"

Kek stupid faggot leaf

just sold
seeing too much emotional investment into this coin. giving me reddit tier faggy HODL vibes

>8/26: transfers $5k to buy lunc
>funds pending until 9/6
>”whatever, I’ll wait”
>Comes back to see lunc go from .00011 to .00034

Lmfao dumping a week before burn starts

Thanks dumbass

is it over?

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Lmao there is not a lunc fudder with the slightest sign of masculinity

fucking kek

Ever heard of "buy the rumor, sell the news" ?
There is absolutely nothing wrong selling right now if you're in profit, especially considering LUNC currently has the 3rd highest volume out of all cryptocurrencies
Nobody ever went broke taking profits, never forget that

i’m happy with my profits, unlike you - they’re all secured and in my bank now. i may buy back in once i see the burn doing good things AND once it’s confirmed to be on CEX’s and not just hearsay

what 0 pussy does to a man

Keep trying you’re almost there

I believe woman and jews aren’t human

Luna Classic $1 EOY

This. Additionally, it’s always best to take profits during peak euphoria (ie now) and to sell the news (the burn). Sorry to burst your guys parade but it’s basically downhill from here

You should post the actual pic
I took a picture of my neighboor's car (I live downtown Montreal, Canada) and indeed have a weird, faggot-like leg in this pic for some reason

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no one asked no one cares

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We still have entire week to run up even if it dumps on implementation which it is pretty likely it will, you dont really think its just going to stop here do you? Dumb to take profits so early imo but not everyone has diamond hands capable of making you a millionaire so understandable i guess

"in this pic" like you dont have a weird faggot-like leg all the time

>for some reason
nigger there is a very real reason kek

Samefagging today aren't we. You're such a pathetic clown. Hope you're enjoying all the (YOU)s cuz you won't find anyone else to talk to after January.

Its not hearsay you dumb nigger fudder.

Every single thread you fud with this bullshit, abd every single thread I tell you its not fucking "hearsay" you retard. Spotted the fucking kike shill.

Im not spoonfeeding you, fucking google it and it easily comes up. CZ said on video he will support it. Mexc is already the second biggest burner whos already burnt 559M

some say he's still sucking to this day....

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the date on the original picture is 04/04/2022. don't lie to us, you were so surprised to see a lambo for the first time in your life, you took a picture with that fruity little leg tilt to post on twitter and complain about capitalism. be real.

Forgot the pic. Get ye behind me, satan.

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I'm not lying. And here's the new unit I moved in a few days ago

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>for some reason

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alright guys find a orange lambo in his cuck city.

poast current state of long positions, sirs

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