LUNC is so fucking strange to me. Who the fuck is buying it...

LUNC is so fucking strange to me. Who the fuck is buying it? Only a small community on Any Forums and twitter is talking about it. Nobody on youtube is talking about it. Nobody on reddit is talking about it. Why is it going up in price?

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>Who the fuck is buying it?
I am

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because you're early, you STUPID FAG.

Big players loading up knowing this is gonna be huge.

there are multiple youtubers talking about LUNC. redditards will not fomo in until we pass $0.01 (sooner than you think). you are witnessing one of those enormous events that will change normie's perspective on crypto when LUNC resurrects Undertaker style.

>Only a small community on Any Forums and twitter is talking about it. Nobody on youtube is talking about it. Nobody on reddit is talking about it.
And yet it has a huge volume, wanna know why? Because 99% of the volume is fake and they're all bots. LUNC is going to be the biggest pump and dump scheme in the history of crypto and Terra Rebels will take all your money.

And I will be selling the top as well and retiring in guam

You can literally put hundreds of millions into bots farming swings in price of luna, probably on kucoin

Obviously 6 x is not enough for greedy bastards and you Will take the tank which will be Over in 5 minutes

They somehow managed to get into CMC and DEXT so I'm guessing a bunch of normies see it going constantly green because its not hard to pump it and just buying into it because reasons. They probably don't even know what happened a few months ago to begin with.

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The basket weaving forum and the listing on indexes. You forgot the first fundamental point

>op doesn't know everyone in biz is a whale

LUNC is just a groupie of people circlejerking nothing new there. The real weirdos are DOT and LINK. What's goin on over there why does DOT dump while parachains like DEO and KSM pump??

Is this bait?

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DOT is an enigma yes. I'm still not convinced about the parachain shit they got going on but their prices are wonky

LINK is just too old and never really delivered on anything big so people kinda got bored and whales started selling simple as

parachains are disconnected from polkadot iirc

If I see that fucking XD face one more time....

This. /Thread.

only speculators and retards are buying this, normies will never buy something so tainted, they will get fudded to death by shorters