OG here made it numerous times over if you’re not buying Hbar you will kys. To hoskinson and the jeet farm: seethe.
OG here made it numerous times over if you’re not buying Hbar you will kys. To hoskinson and the jeet farm: seethe
OG here. Buy MILK
OG here as well, dead broke I need a hot cash injection of 10kUSD in HBAR.
OP provide me this noaw.
I'm just gonna pretend you're for real, i have like 135k and just wanna have some nice passive income through staking/eventually running my own node.
Actually wealthy user here; ICP has been shilled and fudded relentlessly. If you know, you know.
If you dont, enjoy poverty. I dgaf, i have enough money to buy a place far away from you.
135k will be plenty for a node. Leemons said before he wants as many people to run nodes as possible. As for passive income you're probably looking at 3-6% APY
I'm fine with like 3-6% for staking. Sadly taxation for staking rewards is retarded in germanistan but whatever. I just wanna treat this like an index fund and grow it y.o.y.
Once I can run a node I'll start a small business for that purpose so I can start some nice tax write offs
What is a good stack? asking seriously is 10K or 100K or 1M
Og here
I've made like 5 times so far
Buy QNT Quant Network.
You won't be disappointed
Op here
Not trading a sure thing for a non sure thing
Poorfags detest me
Nice. Buy more.
>shilling in my Hbar thread
Enough said
Apy’s aren’t known. Cap 6.5% is subject to change
Smart ygmi
The answer is always more. Each bar is an api call, the more you have and the more removed from supply, the more disgustingly rich you will be
Reminds me of xrp.
Hbros. Wagmi. Let no one deter you, least of all the Kyle Roche’s and their jeet farms
What's a good entry price?
>shilling qnt in my Hbar thread
Enough said
trust me bro.., milk is real deal. milk $1 EOW
OG here
>made it numerous times
You're still on biz?
Can't believe this needs to be said but if he's shilling hbar then he obviously never made it
HBaggies will never make it
real whaleanon here who made it multiple times over and is still lurking biz totally because of the keks if you dont buy dot and deo for the next bullrun you will want to kys
Thank you based whaleanon...
Insidoor here. He's right.