Please help me Any Forums. I never ask you for anything. A family member passed and left me some inheritance...

Please help me Any Forums. I never ask you for anything. A family member passed and left me some inheritance. Approx 30k in an IRA and about 50k in cash (of which I have only 16k so far). I'm 30. I'm on track to make about 100k next year. I have about 35k in a 401k (probably 75% roth). My mortgage is a low rate (sub 3%), so I'm not hustling to pay it off quickly. My vehicle is falling apart and I will need to replace it sooner rather than later. I have no debt other than the mortgage, but have a less than stellar good goy score (approx 670). What do I do? I'm very tempted to get a decent used truck with low miles for about 20 to 30k, financing some to boost my good goy score, but I know vehicles are a depreciating asset. So I'd really like to use the cash to safely grow it - I've got 10 to 15k riding in pennystocks/options/crypto on the side as is, so I'd rather not yolo what this family member thought to give me. Is there anything you can recommend or advise against? Would it be possible to invest the cash safely to boost my cash flow each month and snowball it? Am I better off pulling the trigger on a vehicle that I wont have to worry about repairs and such?

>Why are you posting on Any Forums?
Because I trust you fucks more than any of the financial advisors I tried soliciting.
>Why would you seek a financial advisor for such low $$$?
I'm used to being paycheck to paycheck. I was making sub 30k up until about two years ago. Also I'm retarded. Thank you for your time.

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Read anything and everything from John Bogle. Read " the millionaire next door".

Stop soliciting advice from a crypto obsessed porn board

Some careful investing this windfall at your age and income can drastically effect your life in later years

What do you need a truck for?

Checked and thank you.

put 10k down on a 25k truck and finance the rest if youre gonna make 100k soon

Checked. Making runs to the dump (yard waste and such) and the ability to haul things when necessary/desired. The amount of home depot trips I've done in a coupe with lengths of pipe/lumber etc touching the windshield and hanging out the trunk is.. too high.

I'm very very tempted to do this, but I also want to be careful to not fall victim to 'lifestyle inflation'.

What do you need a gun for?


Alright, I've read the wikipedia page on "The Millionaire Next Door" and it seems that it will really resonate with me. I'll try to see if I can find a pdf of it tonight. Any good places to start on the Bogle front? There seems to be a LOT of information and I'm a little overwhelmed trying to figure out where to start. Thank you again.

Guns are also pretty great.

Have a small windfall. What do (safely)?

Those boomers are guaranteed to be christinsanity victims, committing crimes against our race like that.

Attached: 1653381667244.jpg (634x423, 55.67K)

>My mortgage is a low rate (sub 3%)
>have a less than stellar good goy score (approx 670)

>I'll try to see if I can find a pdf of it tonight
Library Genesis ( will get you any book you could dream of.

Better to be lucky than good. Was just in the right place at the right time, I suppose.

WOW. This site is rad. Thank you!

that site is a honeypot I read somewhere

Ahh jeeze. It'd be poetic if I download a book on what to do with $X and then have to spend all the money on copyright claims.

Bullshit. Name 1 (one) person who has gotten into legal trouble for using libgen or scihub. Pro tip: you can't, because there aren't any. If you heard that somewhere (big if), it was likely from publishers trying to FUD since they constantly try shutting it down but it keeps coming back online. I hope they eventually go the way of the piratebay drones, and servers in a cave.

Wait for the great depression 2.0 to play out, then buy blue chip dividend stocks and sit on em for the rest of your life

Also on my mind. I've been waiting for 'the crash' since the '08 Ron Paul campaign. I just imagine that even my vehicle purchase would get me more value waiting till after the bottom falls out. Recently saw avg car payment in the US is above $700.

Anyone know of a good way to park and grow (safely) the money until everything is on sale/blood in the streets?

What I've done is drop my cash across various commodities etfs, commodities are a safer bet during economic downturn

Thank you all for your input. Be well.

>christian family.jpg
That picture represents the ultimate logical conclusion of that jewish poison.