What happens now?

What happens now?

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We short Europe/USA, long Asia/Russia

Nothing of importance

it's now time to decide whether sanctions on russia over east ukraine (a russian speaking territory that has been in a civil war with the rest of ukraine for years) is worth the cost of germans freezing to death. they'll decide it is worth the cost.
>t-t-t-take that p-p-p-putin

1 ruble has been deposited in my account

russia still supplies gas through the ukranian pipeline.


you should be long USA, we're not really affected by the Ukraine war.

Pizzafag here, I fully support the Russian Federation to cut gas. Let this shitty union crumble upon itself

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>is worth the cost of germans freezing to death
small price to pay

Does Putin realise he gets money from selling that gas to Europe? You can't just redirect a gas pipeline overnight

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He is not going to redirect anything, he is simply going all in.

yurop is paying the price for burger shinanigans

it's frankly a very strange relationship he's conducting with the EU:

on one hand it's seems extremely obvious he is not willing to supply his enemies while they're supplying weapons that kill russians and imposing sanctions on him.

on the other hand, he is still trying, to the point of desperation, to sell the fucking gas, to the point it's still being sent through the ukranian pipeline (straight through war territory), and it almost sounds like the bullshit excuses he was giving about system failures and turbine malfunctions were actually legitimate, but since confessing to them would essentially confirm him as a massive cuckold to the west and russia as some bumbling incompetent idiots that can't even fix their own shit, he has to keep pathetically vacillating between saying it's counter-sanctions.

>germans freezing to death
Im as you pro russian but the gas tanks are filling up even without Nordstream 1 and soon they will be ful

he's already went "all in" when he tried to blitzkrieg Ukraine. all of this is just dying empire convulsions.

This isn't about short term wealth, its about strongarming the EU into giving up regional power to Russia. Russia has no shortage of wealth

Full tanks last about one winter month

same, aquafreshnigger reporting. Increase the pain, I want a violent overthrow for these traitors.

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they will pump my bags by printing even more fake moneys
kike gotta fabricate another fake outrage

Fact of the matter is that we can't just let Russia invade other countries. They wouldn't stop at Ukraine, they'd feel emboldened if the EU and the rest of the world just let them get away with it.
You have to make a stand, even if it's going to suck for a lot of people.
Disagree and you're an incel, simple as


I acually love this, Putin will ensure that greens are wiped off the political scene for next 10 years.

China is definitely backing Russia financially. And Russians are used to hard times. They'll be fine.

as if europe has sovereign government. USA does not give a single fuck of how much g*rmans are going to freeze this winter.
so ruskies are going to eat their babies, while europoors gonna suck USA cock.

Yuropoos become even poorer and freeze

reminder that US is the biggest benefiter of the ukraine conflict, its currently selling oil and gas to EU with the insane markup (LNG x7 higher than market price in US)

I wonder who can be behind this post

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>incel detected

fuck russia and anyone defending them deserves the rope

you're filthy Polack or worse, a jew.

short Europe, long everyone else

cope tranny and kys.

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I'm Norwegian.
And you're an incel

now china leans on taiwan and then when anyone complains about it, chinese ships moving russian LNG turn around and go back home.

>third incel detected
You will never have sex. And becoming a woman won't help you either.

notice how you three incels haven't made a single argument. Just name-calling. Pathetic vile incels who watch anime and play 'vidya'. Imagine how ugly you guys are. And probably short and fat as well.