Æternity - easily accessible blockchain platform for the global public

Friends, what do you think of Æternity? Powerful, scalable and secure at virtually every level. And it’s going to get even better with Hyperchains and other powerful features coming soon.

Don't miss ur chance : @aeternity twi

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Its like full-stack ecosystem with blockchain and smart contracts am i right?

Its kind of...

Something like that

Ok, what about use-cases?

>didn't pump in november 2021
no thanks. I don't think this shit has a chance anymore. Anything that didn't pump during the top is most likely dead.

It allows its users and community to seamlessly venture into the new era of society, economy, and digital interactions.

When is it the best time to invest? Should we wait for the dip?

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Nope, bro. The best time is NOW

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I'm all in on AE

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really good stuff from devs, never seen such features in other blockchains

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What is this project about?

At its core, æternity is a blockchain protocol and a smart contract platform

Can I trust the team?

Absolutely man

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It seems that this is just the moment to buy AE

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or to mine it instead of stupid ETH

True, why haven't I known about it before... Feel like an old slow idiot(

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Then it's just the time to get some $AE :)

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What language is used in AE?

kys retards at least try to make it seem organic, goddamn they hire the most retarded pajeets and africans. They do have the funds to make some descent marketing but they've already shown they have zero clue