When living with your partner, did you spend more money on her than you saved by sharing bills...

When living with your partner, did you spend more money on her than you saved by sharing bills? Is a gf financially worth it?

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Mouth wide open for a delectable throbbing BBC

All I know is the only young normies buying houses nowadays are the ones who share their bills with a gf and have dual income. I posted a thread like this before and anons said that a gf makes you spend more money, but I’m not convinced

lmao course you spend more with a gf

>women love to go/eat out

You're not spending the on 'her', you're spending the money on 'you (as a unity)

> i pay the mortgage (house is in my name)
> she pays the utilities and groceries
> great arrangement if we break up
> stopped working in January
> will go back to work if we break up

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My gf and I keep separate bsbk accounts and pay 50/50 for everything. If she can't handle her side of the bills, she gets one last fuck sbd then she's out the door.

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I think the spending is less when dating an independent™ woman with her own career. On the other hand, traditional women expect men to pay for most of their crap, thus datting them might be pretty expensive.

its more that a gf makes you earn more money
what happens if you're solo and you save up 30 times your yearly spending? You just quit and play vidya in mom's basement
if you have gf she will give you grief over even planning to quit before 60, so you keep waging instead

worth it if you split the expenses obviously living expenses are a huge part.

Buying a house with a woman is really just buying her a house. As soon as you're divorced, nothing belongs to you. Only retards do this.


Having a gf literally costs money, u do the math retard


If you fuck her at least once per day it saves you tons of money on prostitutes. Gf is just live-in whore.



>muh gf
dogshit posts that belongs on Any Forums

the only people deluded enough to think they're somehow more well-off in a relationship with a woman are currently in a relationship
it doesn't matter if you point out how curious it is that without exception the man makes more than the woman, they'll tell you that they go dutch for every trip to the restaurant so it's even steven
honestly it's like talking to an obese person in denial

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for me? it's kale pesto