Anything that isnt PoW is a scam.
Anything that isnt PoW is a scam
Who's that semen demon?
Niggatoro isn't black
I honestly dont give a fuck as long as the project has good utility and backing
ie. pic related
fuck bros I just wanna pound a delicious black girl from behind and flood her pussy with my cum
kek. Ethereum will be PoS and it will be better then now
Why do you care?
Nagataro has dark asian skin and this black girl looks like a good nagataro. Good cosplay.
anyone that hates POS is a socialist
>your opinion
>in the trash
pick both
>calls someone a nonce
>posts vitalik
i like the contrast between the logos
fuck off nigger lover
>satoshi gets 1m BTC for free
>PoW is not a scam
asuka go suck a dick, monero is never gonna pump, kadena is trash, btc is dead
Monero not pumping because it isn’t a scam.
This is a child.
kill yourself.
>Anything that isnt PoW is a scam.
>hey guys i hate niggers! hahah fuck niggers amiright guys? did you know that i hate niggers? ahaha
yes you're very cool and edgy we get it
Cope. Brainlet take from someone who is just mad they invested in equipment that's going to waste.
I think he’s implying that he hates niggers but he loves and adores niggreses. I don’t blame him