Is 200k in crypto right now (ETH/BTC/some random shitcoin) and 1k added each month from now on enough to make it in the next bullrun 2024-2025
Dude you would have already made it even in the bear market if you had a good entry in LUNC
fuck off scammer
It's not enough sorry. Your 200k will be below 100k in a few months.
damn its really over isnt it? im glad i saw this post... just sold everything thanks bro
I just want to quit waging forever HOLY FUCK is that too much to ask for
>next bullrun
Well OP, at least (You) are not this retarded.
When bear market fully kicks it will be worth 50k
You are fine dude
Yngmi zoomer. Lunc is bullshit and the market is gravitating towards privacy protocols.
Kek it’s literally pumping 20% and been consistently pumping
No one can tell when the next bullrun would come retard. It would be better to DCA and help yourself.
That can only happen if the burn is in place.
No one wants to be a wagie anymore.
50? maybe 10 when blood is on the streets
The next bull run would revolve around niches like privacy and asset security user. The incessant hacks in the space are testaments to this fact.
if anyone lurking is in this situation dont do this
the 1k monthly will not move the needle anymore, better to save up that money in either cash or stables for
either a further crash you buy in at the crash lows with all your accumulated capital
or no further crash you use the added funds for some high risk bets on shitcoins later in the cycle
>My gambling shitcoin keeps going up bros I have $120 now!
This was the final bull run. NFTs and DeFi scams/hacks have woken the world up to how stupid crypto is.
kek,what kinda dumb advise is this fag, when we have some very exciting projects in the space that can give you some very good profits when the bear is finally over
Yeah i will agree with you on this one because privacy will certainly become the next big thing and considering the fact that Railgun just launched a Relayer feature that will hide users' transactions even while paying for gas fee
Yeah user but one needs to thread with caution
>chud thinks we only put in $20
Some of us can afford to gamble a few gs chuddy