Buying or dying

Whether it involves crypto or not, every financial market involves a wealth transfer in which money is taken from the impatient fool and given to the patient faggots who are afterwards referred to as whales.
What are you buying this month on discount?

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Unless you are a retarded, why believe this crap?

I'm not buying, the market is a bubble that's about to burst

There won't be any significant wealth transfer, it is always about the rich getting richer brainlet.

you havent heard about LUNC then. it will be the biggest wealth transfer in the history of crypto

Link, LUNA

Avax rest all shall perish

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Staking on Maiar DEX can definitely be a means to this fool. You know next to nothing

Kek...metabonding is good for weekly rewards just for doing nothing

That's another rugpull stunt from Do kwon newfag

You are never gonna make it

Says someone that is yet to understand the dynamics of economics. Crypto is here to change everything and you got to identify the right project

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Crypto is just gonna die faggots do t waste your money and time in it. Rather just be a pimp, fuck, drink and die bastards.

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I'm focused on investing on crypto payment projects because they are the next trend in this space

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Hasn't this scammer been arrested yet? He deserves to be tried in Hague

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Metastaking is also a very good source of passive income

He needs to be hung and not arrested because of that fucker many innocent life's were taken away

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Horny bitch. Go jerk off

It is high time we adopted crypto payments in all economic spheres, I'm tired of having to convert to fiat whenever I want to make payments

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Been DCA-ing into ETH and MATIC literally this entire bear market. Future whale here, these assets future top 3 assets.

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If he was a Chinese, he would have been sentenced to death. I trust them

Just bought an iPhone through utrust. 1% fixed transaction fee and it was fast. Flaunting my phone to all the channers in here

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You channers deserve dicks and nothing else rekt soon kek.....

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