I have 20k link

Attached: E4A66273-1196-4C01-9140-F63FD7DBB585_1_201_a.jpg (512x507, 15K)

How does $200 sound?

you made it twice

Congrats OP, that's gonna be worth $20,000 soon, what are you gonna buy?

i have zero


Can you spare some LINK sir?

I said I have 20,000 link retards

I have a 6 figure LINK stack. I think I'm the only one on this board left at this point with this much. Everyone else quit. Kek

Yes, and I asked how does $100 worth of that 20k sound? How do you plan on living it up?

I have over $100k in link now.

I will have over $10m in link soon.

What wallet rank does 20k get ya?

1.5k sardine here

2035 is "soon" to you?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is coming sooner than you plebs think

sorry to hear that

>only 1k link

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twenty thousand cups of coffee, nice!

Do you have information or are you just wishful thinking?

keep making these threads OP, they're making me so unbelievably bullish!

once trump is arrested and the civil war commences the destruction of the new south will usher in the 4iR

Attached: link-astrology.jpg (1000x1338, 1.19M)

>20,000 link retards
the entire population of Any Forums

I have a four-figure ETH stack. Woohoo! I'm better than you. No, actually, I am. I just kept stacking more ETH while you just kept shoveling more shit into your bag. How does 50 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag sound? Keep watching that LINK/ETH pair. And remember! Stay rekt, pleb. Kek.

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