Normies bought the top

>Like hundreds of thousands of other Australians, Madeline and Jacqueline Darkovska are prisoners to their mortgage.

Attached: norefunds.jpg (2207x1733, 586.78K)

>10 % down
>variable rate
what the fuck how is that allowed

That's standard for Oz, they only allow variable and traditionally for the last two decades the down payment has been between 15-25%, with new incentivized mortgages for first time buyers going to 10%. Shit's going to be ugly.

>Polish/Slavic/Some kind of shithole East Euro country descent, not original Anglo-Scotch-Irish stock
>One of them is a dyke so the whole family has recessive homo genes
>10% down
It's like a confluence of fail

I'm supposed to sympathize with them on a fucking $360000 loan?

There were people who legit paid 7 figures for middle class shitboxes that boomers paid low 6 figures for 10-15 years ago. Those are the people who are really screwed.

My mum and sister was just bitching to me the other day to be a "responsible adult" and take out a mortgage on a $2M house. Fucking hell.

wtf this cant be real
tell story
this sounds funny as fuck

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you should beat the hell out of them for trying to manipulate you

They don't even look human. What the fuck is wrong with them?

Bro if they're twins one is a man

Women are retarded

>one of them is a dyke
No, that is a tranny trying to wife his sister. Open your eyes.


Yeah, that's what I thought too.
Normal siblings don't try to qualify for the couple's grants.

>Be 30yo living with family, have my own job (WFH)
>Sister busts her ass at a retail job trying to work her way up the ranks, we earn the same income but huge disparity in effort
>Always pissed off at me for no reason
>Constantly berates me for "shirking responsibility"
>Mum one day finds a house when the entire market was booming
>"We must have this house!"
>It's $2M in an expensive area and a shitshack to boot sitting on a small piece of land
>She wants it simply because it is facing a different direction to the house we're in now, no other reason
>Sister sense opportunity to have me settle down and tries to hook me up with one of her landwhale friends
>She's 2/10 and a gacha addict to boot, keeps talking about her anime crushes
>Sister and mum both try to gaslight me into mortgage and dating
>Calls me an incel and a useless piece of shit when I reject the landwhale
>Later on a family friend's daughter comes to visit
>She's fit and energetic, 7/10
>They've given up on the house after it was sold to some other sucker
>Mum suggests for me to try to go out with her, wants to try getting me to settle down again
>Sister instantly shuts down the idea, says she's too good for me.
>Gives me the most disparaging look, saw absolute disdain in her eyes at the idea
>tfw I'm an incel 2/10 male in my sister's eyes.
>tfw she tried to throw me under the bus and ruin my life
I just don't know anymore

Attached: pepe.png (230x219, 7K)

So is the housing market going to crash globally or not? fuck i hate this wait so much.

Of course the human female is a manipulative piece of shit. I recommend getting a doggo wife.
And call yourself a dog husband, that will make them super mad. I do this and females feel like they got replaced by my dog.
Also I'm pretty sure ur not ugly they just trying to beat you down and manipulate you into doing there bidding
It's how females operate.

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Have you considered moving out? Sounds really fucking toxic.

>wearing $60 shirt
>can't afford mortgage
is it that hard?

Probably. Houses are so expensive right now that ANY small increase in mortgage rates will fuck over the average homeloaner.

It probably won’t be as bad as 2007, but it will still be fucking up early 2023

Cute dog!

goddamn it user, DO SOMETHING

I just read that article.. they fucked up real bad.. like a lot of people who seem to have walked into huge mortgages on the premise that rates wouldn't go up because so and so told them so (despite so and so having zero control over the global economy).

Soooooo many people are absolutely fucked.. millions spent on absolute shit heaps with a crumbling economy and slow down.

Pic very very very very much related tells the tale of just how fucked sydney is.

Attached: IMG_20220210_172128.jpg (1564x1564, 1.1M)

>found put after that siblings don't qualify for £25k grant

Lmao, why did nobody tell them?