Why are people buying this? Do retards really think it can reach $1?
Why are people buying this? Do retards really think it can reach $1?
>6.5 trillions supply
>Already 1.7 billions market cap at current price
Do the maths.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, CZ is going to burn all the supply so pajeets will be millionaires.
No. 1$ is a meme to get retards who would believe that narrative to become bag holders. You should know this by now, it's a tried and true play.
History shows if enough retards think it can, then it can get pretty close.
It would be funny if it did though, which makes it even more likely that it will pump a lot once people realise that Do Kwon has nothing to do with it now
This is the catalyst picrel.
$1 is fud, we will break ATH.
>CZ is going to burn all the supply
Why do you naive faggots insist Billionaires are on your side?
him burning 3.4T would make the .1 trillion he has left much more valuable
>will it reach $1
Maybe in a few years, its certainly possible.
The highest it will go this year is 0.00074
That's a oddly specific number
Hard margin gamble.
Some retards think that can squeeze it. It's literally selling each other shit and hoping that you are not the last one holding it.
Because this board is full of retards and will make you lose money.
That's almost all speculation
Manipulation of loser pajeets by Binance HQ of jeetmania.
Smart money is getting ready for the megamoon that is about to come to Ampl with ita new inflation free stable. Few.
I don’t think cz will allow a bunch of pajeets to have a white gf
It's doing that RIGHT NOW retard
$1 maybe in a few years. But short term 1 cent is absolutely possible
tranny thread
No lol
Ppl that say this are intentionally fudding
It's quite literally impossible for this to git a dollar
One cents is very likely, and probably when everyone is going to actually sell
>him burning 3.4T would make the .1 trillion he has left much more valuable
Nope, that's not how it works. But if he can convince retards that he will burn it to increase liquidity and price, and then dump all 3.4T tokens, he can take the bank.
Reaching $1 is guaranteed. How long it takes is irrelevant. Even if it's not $1 when I'm alive, my children will make it.
Optics, retard. What crypto CEO wouldn't want to be known as the biggest hero in the scene?
He can't sell a trillion coins. The market wouldn't bear it and everyone would run for the exit. He can burn trillions and be proclaimed a hero though. The fomo would be unreal, far more so that the recent pumping. Then he can dump a billion between $0.001 and $0.01 without anyone even caring.