>paid 2k total for pic related (with the van)
Why aren't you van living?
>paid 2k total for pic related (with the van)
Why aren't you van living?
Where do you shit? What if you don’t make it to the gym bathroom in time one day?
Absolutely astonishing, they have unitonically managed to market living in a fucking van. Not only did they buy it, some think it's a kind of lifestyle to be emulated
eventually there will be in-van septic tanks
Living in a van by the river, being a homeless loser doesn’t quite appeal to me.
imagine seeing this and thinking yup im smart
Parents in the 80s:
> You better get good grades otherwise you'll be a bum living in a van down by the river
Anno Domini Year of our Lord 2022:
> Damn I wish I could live in a van down by the river.
thats what shovels are for
Tried living in a cabin with no hot water and decided that was my floor in terms of how cheap i would like to live.
Mexican gangs will follow you and catch you lacking, probably when you're dead asleep at 4am
>That's what shovels are for
And you're going to what? Dig a hole in the parking lot behind the Applebee's dumpster?
it's only as unenjoyable as you are uncreative
>Pod on wheels
cringe. imagine living in a van when you can live for free with your parents
So is nailing your dick to a wall with a rusty nail but that doesn’t mean I find that appealing too
Living with your parents last the age of 20 is perma Cringe. Females can, but if males do that's so sad
only normalniggers care about being cringe
Imagine caring , you're a turbo faggot and I say that because you probably care about what people think of queers like you
No there are objective facts for being a Cringe man
Iiving with Ur parents is one of them
I like to shower
living in a van doesnt seem optimal. But honestly id rather do that in a larger city than be a rentoid faggot like (you). Because its so smart to give your money away to your landlord..
>wake up being raped