America was created to break free from high taxes of the UK just to have the country have higher taxes than EU hundreds...

America was created to break free from high taxes of the UK just to have the country have higher taxes than EU hundreds of years later. Like seriously, you see Americans being proud of paying lots of taxes now on social media. How did we get like this?

Attached: pepethefrog.jpg (971x586, 65.5K)


fuck off with ur antisemitism chud

government corruption by big business money is my 2 cents

we don't do anything we are already complacent with the ever decreasing quality of life and distracted by an infinite plethora of spam news that have nothing to do with money

it's strange how work/money consumes most of our lives but people direct their attention to insignificant bullshit like race and gun control

Attached: taxes go to bailing out big businesses.png (590x453, 81.25K)

LAAAAand of The FREEEEEE and Home of the Braaaave.


Attached: EoAoO3SUcAIla_E.jpg (2048x1536, 420.19K)

country became great and attracted huge amount of retards who now have ruined said greatness

simple as

>Like seriously, you see Americans being proud of paying lots of taxes now on social media.
sounds hilarious, sauce..?

Just go on twitter

>America was created to break free from high taxes of the UK
No it wasn’t.


>20% of $250k is more taxes than 60% of €48k
Kek, great math yuropoor

It was about representation not high taxes. Americans would've gladly accepted high taxes if they had representation in parliament.


Poor Americans don't pay shit in taxes.

The US broke away from the UK so that the richest Americans wouldn't have to pay taxes. To this day, they still don't. It was never about you.

T. Loyalist

Yes. It's jews.

How do they skip around taxes that me and you can't do?

They work with debt and have many assets so their income appears 0

The US broke away from the UK because the planter wanted to to the undisputed elite

Yer, you can do that with real estate on low income.