I feel the need of warning you

Picrel is a scam. There will be no burn. Volume is 99% fake. And $1000 is not "beer money".

Attached: oksdioskisk.jpg (900x563, 221.77K)

Wrong, wrong and wrong.
Seethe, linkie.

pee pee poo my lunc stays pumpy $1 eony

>I feel the need of warning you
ESL fud is so bullish. No, I'm not gonna buy matic. No, I'm not sorry you lost a fortune in the original LUNA crash.

I've been buying $10 a week. Does that not count as beer money?

Terra Rebels are conducting the most sophisticated pump and dump in the history of crypto. The scam is going to be massive. You've been warned here.

Shut up faggot

>Shut up faggot
Why? Are you from that criminal band? Did I reveal your evil plans? I know what you're trying to do. This is not altruistic at all LOL.

>Terra Rebels are conducting the most sophisticated pump and dump in the history of crypto.


Chill out m8 no1 has poured serious money into this anyways lol if we get rugged it will literally be funny af and we will all share laughs

Thank you, I just sold

This nigga posts the same thread daily

I took out a 35,000 loan from my jew banker and went all in lunc d0gbat and btc

Fuck you OP. You choke on fat cocks.

when it goes south, it will turn SOUTH. seriously would not touch this.

What people have to understand here is that there is a LOT of pump and dump money behind it trying to scam reddit retards that this will go to 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents. When the jig is up and people realize they really are going to sink the ship well before then, things will get ugly. You will be lucky to get out over 100. Don't let anyone scam you that this is anything other than a rugpull.

Daily reminder that 10b = $0.17. Disregard tranny fudders at your own peril.

OP we know, let these faggot niggers on this board get Dong Kwon'd again for the 15th time

Checked and KREKT.

>doesn’t post proof.
We know you want it to go down so you can buy more but cmon man. This is weak FUD.
You can see how diversified the holder base is. It’s better than any dog coin out there. SHIB literally has 88% of its supply controlled by the top 100 wallets. Compare that to the 33-4% supply held by the top 100 and only 9% owned by top ten. If you’re not buying for the upcoming tax and burn well….

OP is conducting the most sophisticated curry dump in the history of street shitting. The dump is going to be loose, watery and possibly massive. You've been warned here.
LUNC will in fact go to approximately $1 or more before EOY
checkem chads

Damn so close, rollin for you mate. WAGMI.

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$.01 EOM.
OP licks nigger anus

OP is the "I get recked constantly shorting Lunc" poster

>And $1000 is not "beer money".

I'm literally $100 in and have well over a million Loonies. Get fucked kike.

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