Shemitah Is Almost Over

Its almost over. Make your predictions

Attached: shemitah.jpg (474x186, 20.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:–2016_stock_market_selloff

One final dump before pumping

15% dump sometime around the 22nd

Yeah I think it'll hit 16k or something

simultaneous usa civil war + ww3

market moves? none because all trading is halted for 2 years


It's going to do the same thing it usually does, rug on the literal final day of Shemitah. Check the stock market charts in 2001 and 2008 and then realize the massive dump began on the day Shemitah ended and didn't stop till Purim, another jewish holiday in March. If we don't dump by September 26th the bobo thesis is invalidated, if we do dump on that day the schizo bobos were correct.

Charts for 2001 and 2008 showed it kept dumping for at least a year past the shemitah. Also, there was barely a blip in 2015, so maybe we won't see a crash this year either.

Trump rugged the power from globalists.

there's something to the shemitah thing
there'll be a crash but it'll only affect tech stocks, not the whole market
there was a downturn in 2015 btw–2016_stock_market_selloff

lmao look at the fat nigge everyone laugfh at the absurdist fat nigger

I feel a 9/11 tier happening in my gut

Shemitah is a mirror to what we have done during the 7 years. This time we tried to make 666 end all freedom and shut down everything.

shemitah your business hahahahaa guet it?

Jews can't keep getting away with this

It hasnt even started yet OP, also check this green jew Cahnlionnaire

what happened in 2015 though?

Donald Trump

Shemita deniers use 2015 because the US stonk market was more or less fine but the Chinese got rekt, and I think that was also the year Greece defaulted


called it

>17k again
>starts the fake and gay pump
>the real crash comes and we are all stuck bagholding
shemitah ending does not mean a dump and pump
everyone expects a crash and they know it
